UC review and "savings"

Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener
I got the dreaded message a while back that i would be getting reviewed. I live at home with my parents still and my father is my appointee. I don't have an active social life so spending money outside doesn't happen for me so i am not visiting eateries etc. The only thing i spend my money on is Amazon, some subscriptions, clothes and a phone bill.

They wanted 4 months of statements first and i gave them, then they wanted 12 months which just arrived before Xmas. I just went over 9k from UC alone basically because small money that went in was from my birthday, Xmas and people giving me money back when i got things from Amazon for them. I've been hearing about deductions if you go over 6, but they really expect you to splurge it all instantly? I have spending anxiety after seeing my family home being lost when i was younger in 07 and anything that can go wrong in my house does. It's usually something very expensive as well. If i had been told about this nonsense from the start i would have spent it immediately, but sadly i cannot see into the future.


  • Whatshallido
    Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener
    woodbine said:
    hi @Whatshallido and a warm welcome to scope, for savings over £6,000 UC is reduced by £4.35 a month for every £250 or £17.40 per £1000 so if you have savings of £9,000 you can expect a reduction of £52.20 per month, if your savings reduce you should report this monthly on your journal, same if they increase.
    Thank you for the welcome and the reply. So in November or December i hit that number (just over 9), which means i will just get deducted for eons then? Because i only get my money from UC basically. I have enough to survive on but i will assume that's why they want to see my statements from 12 months ago? To see when i hit the 6k mark?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,361 Championing
    I'm not sure what you mean by "deductions for eons"

    UC entitlement is based on your circumstances on the last day of each assessment period. If you have more than £6,000 at that time then you should report the changes or your father should, if he's your appointee for UC as that's his responsibility.

    How much you will owe will depend on how long you were over the lower limit for. Yes, that's very likely why they've asked for 12 months statements.
  • AtlasShoulders
    AtlasShoulders Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor
    woodbine said:
    hi @Whatshallido and a warm welcome to scope, for savings over £6,000 UC is reduced by £4.35 a month for every £250 or £17.40 per £1000 so if you have savings of £9,000 you can expect a reduction of £52.20 per month, if your savings reduce you should report this monthly on your journal, same if they increase.
    Thank you for the welcome and the reply. So in November or December i hit that number (just over 9), which means i will just get deducted for eons then? Because i only get my money from UC basically. I have enough to survive on but i will assume that's why they want to see my statements from 12 months ago? To see when i hit the 6k mark?
    Did you report to them at the time when your savings went over £6K? If not, they may be investigating it as a potential case of benefit fraud. 
  • Whatshallido
    Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener
    woodbine said:
    hi @Whatshallido and a warm welcome to scope, for savings over £6,000 UC is reduced by £4.35 a month for every £250 or £17.40 per £1000 so if you have savings of £9,000 you can expect a reduction of £52.20 per month, if your savings reduce you should report this monthly on your journal, same if they increase.
    Thank you for the welcome and the reply. So in November or December i hit that number (just over 9), which means i will just get deducted for eons then? Because i only get my money from UC basically. I have enough to survive on but i will assume that's why they want to see my statements from 12 months ago? To see when i hit the 6k mark?
    Did you report to them at the time when your savings went over £6K? If not, they may be investigating it as a potential case of benefit fraud. 
    No, because i had ZERO idea about any of this at all. I have been spending the money i get, but i don't have a car, a social life or anything that helps me spend a tonne of money. I just buy things from Amazon, some subscriptions, clothes, phone bill and that's it. No one EVER told me either about this, it's only now i have learned about that money being classed as savings.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,361 Championing
    As your dad is your appointee then it's his responsibility to know this and to report all changes. The worst that can happen is that you'll have an overpayment and a small fine for not reporting changes.
  • Whatshallido
    Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener
    As your dad is your appointee then it's his responsibility to know this and to report all changes. The worst that can happen is that you'll have an overpayment and a small fine for not reporting changes.
    I've been told elsewhere it will probably be a deduction of £52.50 or something every month which is fine by me. Even if they asked for about 3k back or something i'd give it back immediately of course.
  • Whatshallido
    Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener
    woodbine said:
    hi @Whatshallido and a warm welcome to scope, for savings over £6,000 UC is reduced by £4.35 a month for every £250 or £17.40 per £1000 so if you have savings of £9,000 you can expect a reduction of £52.20 per month, if your savings reduce you should report this monthly on your journal, same if they increase.
    Thank you for the welcome and the reply. So in November or December i hit that number (just over 9), which means i will just get deducted for eons then? Because i only get my money from UC basically. I have enough to survive on but i will assume that's why they want to see my statements from 12 months ago? To see when i hit the 6k mark?
    Did you report to them at the time when your savings went over £6K? If not, they may be investigating it as a potential case of benefit fraud. 
    No, because i had ZERO idea about any of this at all. I have been spending the money i get, but i don't have a car, a social life or anything that helps me spend a tonne of money. I just buy things from Amazon, some subscriptions, clothes, phone bill and that's it. No one EVER told me either about this, it's only now i have learned about that money being classed as savings.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,640 Championing
    Whatshallido said:
    ...i don't have a car, a social life or anything that helps me spend a tonne of money. I just buy things from Amazon, some subscriptions, clothes, phone bill and that's it. No one EVER told me either about this, it's only now i have learned about that money being classed as savings.
    If you're still not able to use all of the income you get from UC each time, that will keep adding to your savings at the end of each payment period.  Each time it goes over another £250 threshold at the end of the payment period (not including the current payment within the last 4 weeks) your Dad should inform them of that savings increase which will, in turn, add a larger deduction each time.  Unless you are likely to have a large outgoing any time soon, this will be an ongoing issue for the foreseeable future.

    Sadly this situation is one that seems to be misunderstood by many on here, let alone in the outside world. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,361 Championing
    It's also worth mentioning that all the cost of living payments are disregarded from savings indefinitely so if you received any of those they won't be included in your total savings.
  • Whatshallido
    Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener
    I'll be going to the CAB soon as i said on my PIP post. I'll feel a lot better and i'll get the information to my face, then it will be better for me. Even if they deducted the 52 pounds a month or even asked for a lump sum back I'd do it as i said. When everything is solved i will make a post about it and thanks for the replies :)
  • Whatshallido
    Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    Sorry for my late reply as a lot of things happened. I sorted everything with UC and i owe them some money, but it's being deducted so it's fine. I filled in a UC50 form in March, then last Friday i had my WCA. Fast forward to the Friday just gone and i have been rewarded LCWRA. When will my first payment start? As i am confused about assessment periods etc and everywhere i read it's saying 3 months? Do i have to wait 3 months to hget LCWRA? Thanks.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,361 Championing

    What date exactly did you provide your first fit note?

    What date do you usually receive your money each month?

    Did you continue to provide fit notes without any gaps up until the decision was made?

    Once you answer those 3 questions I'll be able to advise you.

  • Whatshallido
    Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    I think i added about 3 fit notes during my review process, then i got sent a UC50 form. I get paid on the 26th of each month. I'd have to check my journal to see when i did add them in.

  • Whatshallido
    Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    Sorry, i only uploaded one. This confuses me a great deal sadly.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,361 Championing

    What date exactly did you provide that fit note? what was the end date on the fit note? You can check this by looking through your journal.

    Gaps in your fit notes will affect when the extra money is paid from.

  • Whatshallido
    Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    My only one was the 16th of January it says on my journal regarding a document being uploaded. It lasted a month, so i didn't upload anymore after that. Because i didn't know i would have to keep on uploading them every time without fail.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,361 Championing

    You should have received a reminder to provide another fit note a few days before the first one ran out.

    It wlll now be down to a decision maker to make the final decision on when the extra money is paid from.

    Though I suspect the waiting period will now start from the assessment period in which the decision was made and it's 3 full assessment periods, the extra money is the paid from the 4th month, with first payment being the end of that month.

    If they go from then your waiting period will be August to Nov.. LCWRA starts from 20th Nov to 19th Dec and first payment would be 26th December.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,530 Championing

    I'm same not saving well I have just under but my spending bad really bad order endless face creams just impulse buy all the time but that is part of my condition I was worried oh thier see I buy this buy that I'm beyond worrying anymore I know thiers millions of us with adhd or all other disabilities that spend

  • Whatshallido
    Whatshallido Online Community Member Posts: 17 Listener

    I had spending anxiety because my family home got lost in 2007 and money problems have always been rife in my house. But now i have learned my lesson, i just spend it on what i need and help my parents with it because they aren't getting any younger.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,530 Championing

    That's good I do 4 days I'm like great no spending wake up 3 in morning bam spend spend have they sorted your universal credit now