Appealing MR decision

pillar48 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
Hi all..could any one explain the process from going to a MR and appeal.I was awarded standard daily living and want to appeal that.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @pillar48, sorry to hear you didn't get the award you wanted, it's unfortunately often the case with MRs.

    The tribunal process is fairly simple and we have information about it here for you to read and also on the DWP site, which has links for how to appeal.  I recommend attending the tribunal in person if at all possible.  But please don't worry, they're very different to assessments! 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    I'm sorry your MR didn't go as you'd hoped, but as you know the success rate with these is very low. However, when appealing a PIP decision, the success rate is currently 68%, so far more encouraging. Most tribunals are still by phone/video call, so long as you don't just go for a paper based tribunal as the success rate of these is only a few percent.
    You can start an appeal online:   choosing to do so 'in person' then say you'd like a tribunal by phone/video call.