Total hip replacement surgery and PIP

AmandaM Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
I am so confused as what to do, my hip operation was fast tracked I have had surgery now after a cancellation, I am claiming pip because of OA in both hips, I was awarded 5 years and have a car on mobility. I know it will take time to heal on one side hopefully before the other side needs doing.  When do I inform pip? I still have over 3 years left to run before the next review.  


  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    edited January 2024
    You can tell the DWP when your condition improves. I would not do it before it improves! They will likely put you through a review. Which could come back with a possibility of no more reward. Then when you get the other operation you would need to tell the DWP again, restarting the process if you received no award in the review.

    You should only tell the DWP when your condition has improved if it actually has. I'm not a medical expert, so I apologise if this is a question with an obvious answer. Since your other side still needs replacing does it not already affect your mobility and day-to-day activity? 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @AmandaM - I'm pleased you've had your hip replacement surgery & hope you make a successful recovery.
    As far as PIP goes, it's not based on any diagnosis such as your OA, but on your functional ability with the activities/descriptors that are looked at. You do not need to inform PIP that you're recovering from surgery, as PIP is also about difficulties you've had for at least 3 months & which are expected to last at least another 9 months. The same can be said for (hopeful) improvements in how you are, so for now just give yourself the chance to heal well, & don't worry about PIP. There's also the fact that you're now waiting for the other hip to be operated on.
    If you rang up to tell PIP, then this is called a 'Change of circumstances,' & you'd then receive a new claim pack to complete, likely have another assessment, etc.
    You can actually be reviewed at any time, tho currently review form are being sent out about 8 months before awards are due to end. Then you could say about your surgery, but, unless any improvement in the meanwhile means it would lower your award, then you don't need do anything.
  • AmandaM
    AmandaM Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you so much for getting back to me, I was just worrying as I never claimed for anything before and it took a tribunal to get anything from them, and the last thing I need to worry about is them asking for money back!  My journey is a long one as I was born with bad hips and unfortunately means surgery is the only answer to relieve some of the pain, but I will stop worrying and just rest and heal.  
  • Walchy23
    Walchy23 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    I am 71 and I am going to have both my hips replaced, can I claim mobility allowance?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    As you are over state pension age then unless you're already claiming either PIP or DLA you will not be able to claim it. You will need to claim Attendance Allowance, which doesn't have the mobility part.

    If you're already claiming PIP then you will not be able to claim the mobility part because of your age.