Hi, my name is RJK00!

RJK00 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hello, I was googling what do do when you have a non-verbal adult child with severe autism who has been sick but refuses to leave the house and the rare times he does, he refuses to get out of the car. This group popped up and I decided to check it out. I am so sad for the other families dealing with this difficult issue, but at the same time, it is sooo nice to know you aren’t alone. If anyone has any suggestions on what to do I would greatly appreciate it. I have called his Doctor many times over the past month but there isn’t much they can do besides tell me to go to the ER for some testing which obviously isn’t going to happen. Getting worried because he has been vomiting for a day or two (and refusing to eat for 2-3 days at a time). This has been happening about once a week for the last month and a half. He otherwise appears fine - he will even be giggling and making his noises while he is vomiting. I’m at a loss on what to do, I tried everything I can think of. We live in a small town with limited services.


  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    Hi @RJK00,welcome to the Scope community. I hope we can somehow find you some advice or support.

    I hope it's okay to ask, are you American? I just notice your use of 'ER' and am curious. This community is a majority British community, so we may not know the best avenues of support for the States if you are American. But you are right! We have many people going through exactly the same circumstances as you, you aren't alone. 

    I'll see what advice I can find for you. 

    You mention he seems fine otherwise, when does the being sick begin? Is it immediately after eating or sometime after? I'm not a doctor, but as an adult with Crohns I've had an issue with "food rumination", where the muscle along my esophagus have become used to bringing food back up immediately after eating. It's done unconsciously and effortlessly so it is far less upsetting to the person than actual vomiting. I know it can sometimes be an issue with small children too. If it's immediately after eating this sounds similar, because you say the child doesn't seem too bothered in the moment?
  • RJK00
    RJK00 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thanks Jim and Ada for the input and support. He won’t start vomiting until about a day after he stops eating. Yes I am American, sorry, I just saw someone’s post about their child not leaving the house and got excited.
  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    It's okay to ask around here even though this isn't an American site @RJK00! Just many here won't know how the medical or care system there works. I know a little about the States because my partner is from New York state, but not enough I'd feel comfortable given advice.

    But, we have members who have autism and members who have children who have autism. And that doesn't change just because you are in a different country. Hopefully we can find someone who has had a similar situation to you.

    So, just to clarify, he will stop eating for a full 24 hours and then start vomiting? Not the other way around?