How is your day going?



  • emancherry33
    emancherry33 Online Community Member Posts: 3,640 Trailblazing
    Afternoon all. Just to add to the weather where I am blue sky, cloud around, wind blowing a bit but nothing like yesterday currently sitting down the beach was only meant to stay for half an hour but that was 2 hours ago lot's of people and dogs walking and the sound of the sea southing not very wrought but still a bit angry.
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 856 Championing
    Ada said:
    I don’t feel lucky @rubin16
    wales is beautiful but it depends where you live. I live in a small valley. Miles from anywhere.

    I would never live in s city but to get to nature or the coast both where my soul belongs it would cost a hundred pounds in taxi.  

    I describe my home as my living coffin. I’ve not left the valley for over nine years. 
    This place will definitely be the death of me. My physical and mental health is deteriorating all the time because I am so sad. And trapped.   

    I'm sorry to hear that, wales has to be my all time favoruite places to go overall.

    I'm so glad I decided to stay in for the day as was tempted to go for a walk out before as the sun was out and looked really nice, but the weather took a turn for the worse and started hailing and pouring it down
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Hi everyone I hope yous have had a nice day and enjoy your evening.
    We’ve had sun rain and hailstones to 🤦‍♀️
     I went and got some shopping and changed some money over to euros, we met my mum In  Home Bargains I picked up sun cream and a few other bits.
     Then went to my mums for a bit. Back home now and going to have my dinner soon. 


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Ada said:
    @Adrian_Scope You have been fairly quiet today. Hope your feeling well 
    I'm around @Ada, but only popping on to see how everyone's doing, I always like to jump online and celebrate the holidays with you all. :) How has your Friday been?

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    Sounds a good day out @Lou67 nice to chill out tonight 
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 856 Championing
    Sandy_123 said:
    I'm defo not touching the easter eggs @ada I have kids eggs hiding in the dishwasher, only place they won't look. Last year I hid eggs in the garden to be told we were watching you out the window upstairs. So not doing it th8s year as they know the bunny doesn't exist 

    Sounds like the time I stopped believing in santa when I was a kid, as each year I would hear my mum carry a big bin bag from her bedroom and fall down the stairs and swear on her way down.
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 856 Championing
    Sandy_123 said:
    I'm defo not touching the easter eggs @ada I have kids eggs hiding in the dishwasher, only place they won't look. Last year I hid eggs in the garden to be told we were watching you out the window upstairs. So not doing it th8s year as they know the bunny doesn't exist 

    Sounds like the time I stopped believing in santa when I was a kid, as each year I would hear my mum carry a big  bag from her bedroom and fall down the stairs and swear on her way down.
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 856 Championing
    Sandy_123 said:
    I'm defo not touching the easter eggs @ada I have kids eggs hiding in the dishwasher, only place they won't look. Last year I hid eggs in the garden to be told we were watching you out the window upstairs. So not doing it th8s year as they know the bunny doesn't exist 

    Sounds like the time I stopped believing in santa when I was a kid, as each year I would hear my mum carry a big  bag from her bedroom and fall down the stairs and swear on her way down.
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 856 Championing
    oh wow didn't mean for this to spam only just noticed, I sent that reply hours ago and it got stuck in the forum moderation pending approval.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Yeah was a good wee day thanks, I hope your good. 

    Hiya my friend I hope your doing well today. I’m not away till the 26th off April but was just getting my last things I needed.

    I remember one Christmas Eve I fell asleep and was woke up by the sound off a typewriter (yes I’m that old 😂)
    typing away and could hear my mum and dad talking so I knew for definite after that there was no Santa 🥲
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    That's my fault @rubin16, as I approved them it should have removed the duplicates. I'm not sure why you were caught in the spam queue but hopefully it won't happen again. :) 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Yes you must’ve needed it I hope you get a good sleep tonight too.

  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 856 Championing
    Morning everyone, don't really have any plans today but could do with going to the shops this morning and then will prob just pot around doing laundry and some tidying up this afternoon. I need to sort through some clothing to give to the charity shops too that I no longer wear. Having a good spring clean this month.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,826 Championing
    Morning all.

    No idea what we'll be doing today @Ada,we'll consider our options after breakfast,
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Good morning everyone, I'm afraid you've got me here all bank holiday weekend! 

    It's another bright but cold one here. My 5-year-old has been up since 5am and I'm out of coffee. Send help!

    Book swap is a great idea @Beaver79, you'll have to let us know what you end up with. 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Morning all I hope yous have a good day. 
    It’s dry here just now I don’t have any plans so far, just doing a bit off housework exciting stuff lol 

    I hope you had a better sleep last night and feeling well today.

    Oh no can you not nip out and get some coffee you’ll need it after been awake from 5 🤯😂

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    Afternoon all @Adrian_Scope uber eats groceries  or runnn to the shop. 
    It's lovely here got the washer on .
    I got a DNA match last night to my dad's side who I don't know, so waiting reply to a message I sent.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    Yes @Beaver79 when people had affairs in late 60s they didn't imagine DNA would pop up lol 

    It's a lovely sunny day here washings out, I keep looking at the garden. I'm unsure whether to ask the gardener or just buy a mower and get my sons to do it when they can. Gardeners don't do weeding any more just lawns 
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 856 Championing
    Sandy_123 said:
    Afternoon all @Adrian_Scope uber eats groceries  or runnn to the shop. 
    It's lovely here got the washer on .
    I got a DNA match last night to my dad's side who I don't know, so waiting reply to a message I sent.

    Wishing you all the best in reaching out and getting a reply. I'm always curious to do a DNA thing and find relatives but not sure yet. My dad was adopted by my nan as a baby and originally comes from Ireland so don't really know my real past realitives or where I come from, also makes it awkward when doctors ask whats your family history as we don't know, but some of my ailments are hereditary so they must come from somewhere probabley why my dad was put up for adoption in the first place.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    edited March 2024
    I don't know @rubin16 alot of babies were adopted in Ireland and because of that  the DNA data base  in Ireland is very popular.  As lots of people looking to find relatives. The more that do it the more chance of getting results