How is your day going?



  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,681 Championing
    You would be hard pushed to find one that does weeding now @66Mustang every one I've had wouldn't do it. I'm looking at weed tools to make it easier. 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing

    It's a shame you don't live near us, my brother is a gardener/tree surgeon and they are expected to do all sorts here, sounds like working for you would be nice cushty work for him even if you did make him do the weeds!!

    There is a really rough town about half an hour away from here and some of the worse jobs he has done involved picking up used needles used by drug abusers before being able to start work :( 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,681 Championing
    Does he travel @66Mustang lol I don't have any needles tho 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,689 Championing

    Yes I sure am  😊
  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,832 Championing
    The sun appeared for a couple of hours this afternoon @Ada,but it's been blowing a gale since about 2 o'clock.
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 859 Championing
    @Ada really hope you manage to sleep more tonight, not been able to sleep is torture and bad for your mental health. Its so sad to see you couldn't get any medication to help, hopefully you manage to get your GP to give you some soon. Wishing you all the best.
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 859 Championing
    Ada said:
    Thanks @rubin16 But can’t have anything for a while. 
    But more importantly how are you 

    I'm doing okay again now, my pain has fully subsided and gone away and I'm managing to eat normal meals again just not soup so I think my crohn's has got better again. I don't know why I was suddenly ill last week but just think coming off steroids made everything flare for abit. Thanks for asking though.

    I still feel slightly exhausted though daily, and keep wanting to go for a nap in the afternoon. I'm trying to not nap and try stay awake but its so hard sometimes. Wish I could give you some of my sleepyness so you manage to sleep more :)

    I'm meeting my nan for lunch tomorrow and then hopefully going to try brave the barbers and get my hair cut, its annoying me now and becoming too long. I hate having long hair as mine when it gets abit long starts going curly abit and looks a mess I just hate having my hair cut though so will put it off till the last minute.

    Have a good night everyone.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    I just had a spam email

    It offered me to join an elite brotherhood of business leaders, artists and politicians and as a joining bonus I receive 1 million dollars

    How can I say no to that???
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 859 Championing
    66Mustang said:
    I just had a spam email

    It offered me to join an elite brotherhood of business leaders, artists and politicians and as a joining bonus I receive 1 million dollars

    How can I say no to that???

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    It sounds vaguely similar (though a lot more glamorous) to the Freemasons if I’m completely honest :D 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @rubin16 I just saw your post about the barbers 

    My hair used to be short because it too went curly when it grew longer 

    However that only lasts a finite length of time and when past that it looks OK again

    Just thought I’d mention as an option if you like the idea of having longer hair and not having to go to the barber
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,689 Championing
    Ada said:
    Good one @Lou67 what we going to watch together when it’s fin. xx

    Good to hear from you @Teigr xx

    Aww Ada I know we will have to find something 😊
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 859 Championing
    66Mustang said:
    @rubin16 I just saw your post about the barbers 

    My hair used to be short because it too went curly when it grew longer 

    However that only lasts a finite length of time and when past that it looks OK again

    Just thought I’d mention as an option if you like the idea of having longer hair and not having to go to the barber

    To be honest I've never had long hair, I couldn't imagine myself with long hair and not sure if I would suit it. Last time I had my hair cut though was at the end of january so it really needs doing now. I do prefer short hair and would get it cut often if I could stand going to the barbers and always feel better after going even though its a sensory overload. I should be okay and will just grit and bare it tomorrow but thanks for your suggestion. :)
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,681 Championing
    He'd probly say get lost @ada
    @Lou67 have you watched baby reindeer on netflix really good
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,689 Championing

    No my son and daughter said it was really good, I saw a bit off it on Gogglebox it looks good I will watch it thanks.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,681 Championing
    It's brill I watched it all its filmed in Edinburgh i think
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,689 Championing

    Aww you haven’t upset anyone we all think the world off you, I hope you get some sleep tonight.
     Goodnight Ada  🥰

    Oh was it yeah i will defo watch it. 

  • Grinchy
    Grinchy Online Community Member Posts: 1,953 Championing
    Hey all, up again at silly oclock, nightmares again, never mind i'll take it easy today, do my chores then rest up, i hope you all have a restful night xx  
  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 656 Championing
    Good morning Scopicles 
    Just about to set off to GP for blood tests for Mr, then pick up prescriptions and a dump run and charity shop visit. 

    Hope you are resting now @Grinchy and that everyone has as good a day as possible 😊 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Hi everyone!!

    Hi @Grinchy sorry to hear about the nightmares :(

    I had a bit of a nightmare last night, I was back at school and was in a lesson with a really strict maths teacher that actually liked me but I was still scared of her, not much compared to your nightmares though I assume

    @Marydoll5 good luck :blush: