How is your day going?



  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Thank you, yes  it’s good to see the end result, I hope your resting now. 

    It can take 6 months to fully heal but they say after 6 weeks to a couple off month’s things should settle down.
    My knees not to bad the now it’s my leg that’s all achy.
    Sorry I feel like Mrs Doom n Gloom 🙄😂

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Aww thanks so much that means a lot 🤗
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,638 Championing
    Just had to have a big search for my purse, couldn't find it and I want to pop out tomorrow. Then I remembered I put it on top of the chest of draws and luckily it was in one of the draws. Usually in my bag or coat pocket.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Oh glad you found it hate when that happens 🙄

     Goodnight my friends ❤️
  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 656 Championing
    Morning scopicles!

    I didn't sleep a wink last night with really severe back pain. I think having help Mr Mary doll up from seated position all the time and support him has done it. That and the long drive yesterday. 

    @Ada you are a lovely person. I forgot the rules and put too much about my location on which admin had to take out. Its better than Facebook where its so uncontrolled and can turn vicious. 

    I wish we could all meet up every so often. You all are so supportive 💕 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Good morning everyone :blush: 

    @Ada sorry you had a bad night and are upset, I know it's easy to say but I just try to ignore the bad moments on this website and think about the good things, as the good ones outweigh the bad ones. I hope you feel better today

    Hello @Marydoll5 ha ha I like that word "scopicles"
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing
    edited February 2024

    Morning all I hope yous are all good and have a nice day.

    Ive had a rubbish night I was about to go to bed went into the toilet and could hear water dripping from the boiler cupboard water dripping from about 20 different bits underneath the boiler.
    Phoned emergency repairs she sd put old towels and a basin under it till morning 🤷‍♀️ 
    The cupboard was full off stuff belonging to my grandkids  so that was fun emptying that all out while trying not to slip, just waiting on someone coming out. 

    Happy days 😊
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Sorry your upset I didn’t see the post your talking about, I hope you can trying brush it off and not let it affect your day. 

    I hope you can get some sleep today and hope your back pain eases.

    Take care my friends ❤️
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    That sounds like a pain @Lou67 :neutral:
  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,825 Championing
    Morning all.

    A beeyootiful day here.
  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,825 Championing
    No idea why I'm not sleeping @Ada,I don't have any bother falling asleep but staying asleep is another thing altogether.

    How are you this morning?

  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,825 Championing
    Are you feeling any better today @66Mustang?

    At least you didn't leave it in Tesco @Sandy_123.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Hi @Teigr, I hope you are well apart from not sleeping. Thanks for asking, I am quite a bit better today, not so tearful and a lot more optimistic :blush:

    I have the same as you with getting to sleep easily but waking up a lot, it's partly why I go to bed so early, but I get 7-8 hours of sleep a night from spending maybe 11 hours in bed, so I can't moan.
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,884 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Morning everyone, happy February! I hope the pain is manageable @Lou67 I remember how awkward it was with my ankle ops to get comfy with such a movable joint.  Hope the boiler can get sorted quicksmart too. 
    @Teigr I hope you manage to catch up on your sleep, it's horrible when that happens.
    @Marydoll5 I hope you also get a chance to rest up! 
    Sorry you had a bad night @Ada, though I'm not sure which comment was seen as a slapped wrist? Apologies if we upset you, you know that's never our intention. 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Hi I’m glad to read your feeling a bit better today, keep your chin up my friend.
    Yes it was a pain but the boy fixed it and he was so helpful he took all the wet cushions and towels and bits off other stuff that was wet down to the bin.
    Which was really nice off him as off course it’s not his job. There’s still some good people around 😊

    Glad your weather is good so you will be able to enjoy your dog walk without getting soaked.
    I hope you can have a wee doze later on.

    Thanks that’s it sorted 🙏. I hope your having a nice morning.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,884 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Glad it all had a happy ending @Lou67 :)

    I'm still full of the lurgy, but I have get myself prepped to start the 16 mins a day challenge on my lunch break. :)
  • Teigr
    Teigr Online Community Member Posts: 4,825 Championing
    I'm glad you're sorted @Lou67,I hate finding leaks;they always take forever to fix in our house.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Thanks at least I’m lucky I do get any repairs done quick with it being a Housing Association flat that I’m in. 

    Aww good luck with the challenge you’ll smash it 👏👏

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,638 Championing
    M9rning everyone, I too had a rubbish night, was being sick early hours but ok now. 
    Glad you got your boiler sorted @Lou67
    Sorry you feel upset @ada
    Glad you  feel better @66Mustang
    I hope your back gets better soon @Marydoll5
    It's a lovely day @teigr

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,884 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Morning @Sandy_123, sorry to hear you had a rubbish night.