Hi, my name is Simon003! and I have a new PIP related question

Simon003 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited January 2024 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hello everyone
I’ge just been awarded PIP and I wanted to know what discounts in bills if any Im allowed.
I work full time and on an above minimum wage so presume it’s nothing.
I had to change my job for a lower paid one due to my disability Fibromyalgia so I made a claim and they accepted it and awarded me Lower DLA and lower Mobility part also.

Im confused about Council Tax discount and water bill capping, any insight is appreciated 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,186 Championing
    Your thread title mentions PIP but in your question you mention DLA. DLA no longer exists for working age people so it must be PIP you were awarded. As there's no lower rate for PIP then it must be standard for both parts. Great news!

    For council tax there maybe a disabled band reduction you can claim. Details here. https://www.gov.uk/council-tax/discounts-for-disabled-people

    For the watersure scheme (reduction in your bill) part of the criteria is you must be claiming certain means tested benefits. See link. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/water/problems-with-paying-your-water-bill/watersure-scheme-help-with-paying-water-bills/

    For the mobility part if you scored at least 8 points in the moving around part then this automatically entitles you to a blue badge. Or if you scored 10 points for following and planning a journey activity 1E. Or if you don't automatically qualify you can still apply and send supporting evidence with your claim but you may need an assessment. https://www.gov.uk/apply-blue-badge

    You can also get 50% road tax reduction if you or a partner drives. If it's a partner that drives then the vehicle must be used for your purpose. https://www.disabledmotoring.org/motoring/road-tax-50-reduction

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,753 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Welcome to the community @Simon003! Looks like you're already in good hands with Poppy, but just thought I'd say hello and welcome :) 

    I'll move your post over to our PIP section in case you need to ask any more questions. Hope you'll find the community useful!
  • Simon003
    Simon003 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thankyou to both of you, ive not done forums for a while, I’ll get up to speed.

    my award letter is titled Personal Independence Payment and its breakdown is:

    Daily Living Need at standard rate
    Mobility Needs at Standard rate

    Hope this clarifies