Emergency housing



  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @bookrabbit

    I'm sorry you are finding the new place difficult, but congrats on your son being awarded PIP. I am also unsure on what they mean by "full", maybe he has the highest award? You can contact them to let them know about your situation and maybe they can send the documents to a local job centre or electronically? Unsure if they do that, but always worth an ask. 

    I hope the call with the estate agent goes well! <3 
  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering
    Another day is dawning and once again we have no idea where we will be spending the night. Attempts to get an answer from the housing department yesterday came to nothing. We have to assume we will be moving and pack up our things ready to check out at 11. My friend is prepared to drive up here to fetch us again after she tries to contact them again to see if she can get an answer before we have to checkout. The only thing we know is that we can't go back to the first hotel because it is fully booked again.

    We didn't get an answer about whether to expect to be able to move in on the 25th as previously proposed. I am getting anxious about not hearing anything from them since we passed referencing. I am now almost certain something has gone wrong:(

    My anxiety levels are climbing. I am having difficulty concentrating on anything and my senses are becoming overloaded from the constant traffic noise. I think the reason I was so calm at the other hotel was as much because the environment was so quiet as anything else. My pain levels are increasing too and restless legs are stopping me from sleeping properly. I tried to walk a short way yesterday but couldn't get further than the bench outside the front door of the hotel yielding a lovely view of the concrete jungle here. Sitting on the bench put my legs to sleep almost immediately and I got chilled and it took hours to warm up again despite being quite a warm day so I had to get into bed and then struggled even to get to the bathroom afterwards because my legs are even worse than usual after that. My son is going to have to step up and do most of the moving today but he says he saw a trolley downstairs so he can fetch that and at least there is a lift.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I'm sorry you now have to move hotels again and I hope they find you something better this time. 

    Are you able to contact the landlord or letting agency to find out what's happening? 
  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering
    My friend got hold of the agent and it sounds like everything is fine for us moving in next Monday 😊

    We still haven't heard about the hotel and are all packed and ready but I can cope better now I know it is the last time we have to do this.
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 859 Championing
    Thats amazing news, not long now till you have to wait and get settled into your new home. I hope you hear some news about the hotel today. Wishing you all the best.
  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering
    We finally heard that the booking here has been renewed for another week but not until after checkout time. The housing department is very short staffed and seems to be just fire fighting. The temporary staff apparently had a problem with the credit card they usually use to book hotels and couldn't get the booking to work earlier 😕 I am so pleased to think that's the last time we have to go through that. Even if the move date gets pushed back a day we can have the extra night without having to get the council to do something on a Monday morning which would be just about impossible given the way things are.

    Only 6 more days...

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,689 Championing

    Oh I’m so pleased for you and your son that you have had definite confirmation for moving to your new place next Monday.
    I pray everything goes smoothly for yous.

    Take care ❤️
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    It's worrying to hear how short staffed the housing department are but it sadly doesn't surprise me. I'm pleased they've managed to sort out your hotel booking for another week @bookrabbit. Best of luck with the move on Monday and let us know how it goes. :) 
  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering
    We were quite lucky to get the room what with the delay and all. By that evening the hotel was overbooked by 4 rooms and they had to turn people away. -My son overheard that when he went down to get the updated WiFi password. I am not overly keen on this hotel but having to move again would have been worse.

    Yesterday was another good news day. The money for my son's PIP back payment went in and it does seem that he got enhanced on both parts. I obviously did a better job on his PIP form than on my own!! (I have had yet another text saying that they will look at my MR by April 4th).

    We also paid our deposit and first month's rent and signed the tenancy agreement and today we got the check in appointment. At 9:45 am on Monday we won't be homeless any more:) Yay!!

    I had a couple of bad panic attacks this week as it is all such an overwhelmingly new process. I know it will be better but getting there still frightens me. And I keep thinking something is going to go wrong. For example the tenancy agreement didn't say anything about our rabbits being allowed and when I asked the agent she said she could confirm that we have permission to keep the outdoor rabbit. Singular. We have 4 which we put on the application. I am trying not to stress about this too much. The rabbits are living with two different people but I need to have them back. And it isn't fair to keep just one rabbit anyway, they need to be in at least a pair. And to be honest rabbits don't just need a companion they need enemies too because they adore arguing with their neighbours so I regard 4 as an absolute minimum!! 
    But I became too stressed to get back to the agent yet again:~ 
    One thing at a time, we need to get into the house first. Then I can worry about the details.

  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 859 Championing
    We were quite lucky to get the room what with the delay and all. By that evening the hotel was overbooked by 4 rooms and they had to turn people away. -My son overheard that when he went down to get the updated WiFi password. I am not overly keen on this hotel but having to move again would have been worse.

    Yesterday was another good news day. The money for my son's PIP back payment went in and it does seem that he got enhanced on both parts. I obviously did a better job on his PIP form than on my own!! (I have had yet another text saying that they will look at my MR by April 4th).

    We also paid our deposit and first month's rent and signed the tenancy agreement and today we got the check in appointment. At 9:45 am on Monday we won't be homeless any more:) Yay!!

    I had a couple of bad panic attacks this week as it is all such an overwhelmingly new process. I know it will be better but getting there still frightens me. And I keep thinking something is going to go wrong. For example the tenancy agreement didn't say anything about our rabbits being allowed and when I asked the agent she said she could confirm that we have permission to keep the outdoor rabbit. Singular. We have 4 which we put on the application. I am trying not to stress about this too much. The rabbits are living with two different people but I need to have them back. And it isn't fair to keep just one rabbit anyway, they need to be in at least a pair. And to be honest rabbits don't just need a companion they need enemies too because they adore arguing with their neighbours so I regard 4 as an absolute minimum!! 
    But I became too stressed to get back to the agent yet again:~ 
    One thing at a time, we need to get into the house first. Then I can worry about the details.

    Goodluck for your move on monday, wishing you all the best in your new home. Not long to go now you have dealt with all this extremely well, you should treat yourself afterwards and be proud of yourself.
  • Zimba
    Zimba Online Community Member Posts: 1,822 Empowering
    Good luck with moving into your own home I wish you all the best and with your son getting full pip, I’m so pleased you have some good news for once and I wouldn’t worry about the rabbit situation it might just be a spelling error you can alway check it out another day when you feel up to it.
  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering
    Thanks @rubin16 and @Zimba ☺️

    It is silly that I am getting more stressed as we get closer but I am. My social anxiety is horrendous. It has been over a decade since I was comfortable to leave my safe space at all, except for a while in 2018 when I made an attempt to go to language courses as languages are one of my special interests. But that ended in failure and a particularly nasty panic attack on a train which left me stranded on a train platform in the dark.

    My son also said the rabbit thing might be a just typo. I am trying not to stress about it too much. But just needing to communicate with the landlord deeply unnerves me and I want to ask if I can put up a shed to keep one of the pairs of rabbits in and to put my solar panels on the roof but I don't think I am going to be able to do it:( 
    I am also stressing about having to go back to my mother's house to collect our things. After the way she and my sister and her boyfriend have treated us I would much rather just walk away but I can't, there are things there that I can't leave behind. My son doesn't want to go back either. It was a nightmare there for him and he will bear the mental scars for a long time.

    So near and yet so far to go...
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 859 Championing
    Thanks @rubin16 and @Zimba ☺️

    It is silly that I am getting more stressed as we get closer but I am. My social anxiety is horrendous. It has been over a decade since I was comfortable to leave my safe space at all, except for a while in 2018 when I made an attempt to go to language courses as languages are one of my special interests. But that ended in failure and a particularly nasty panic attack on a train which left me stranded on a train platform in the dark.

    My son also said the rabbit thing might be a just typo. I am trying not to stress about it too much. But just needing to communicate with the landlord deeply unnerves me and I want to ask if I can put up a shed to keep one of the pairs of rabbits in and to put my solar panels on the roof but I don't think I am going to be able to do it:( 
    I am also stressing about having to go back to my mother's house to collect our things. After the way she and my sister and her boyfriend have treated us I would much rather just walk away but I can't, there are things there that I can't leave behind. My son doesn't want to go back either. It was a nightmare there for him and he will bear the mental scars for a long time.

    So near and yet so far to go...

    If they are outdoor rabbits, I can't see them having a problem with them. Its kinda different than keeping a pet in the house. Hope you get this sorted.

    Its understandable that your anxious for your move, I think everyone would feel the same in your situation. Moving is such a stressful process and its the unknown but I'm sure you will get settled and start to feel safe in your new home and you can make it your own space. Hope everything runs smoothly for you on monday when you move in, from the sounds of it it can't be worst than your current situation of hotel hopping and not knowing where your staying.

    Keep us updated with how you get on, we are all rooting for you and are here for support if you need us. Goodluck
  • Zimba
    Zimba Online Community Member Posts: 1,822 Empowering
    Hi @bookrabbit
    I can’t see a problem with the landlord with you putting a shed up, it sounds like you have a garden so you could also say you need somewhere to store garden tools like a mower too, most gardens have sheds of some sort so they might feel thats a good thing. 
    I was in a similar situation to yourself some years ago and I asked if I could remove my things while they were out of the house (don’t know if this is an option for you or to have family member present that is neutral) then you can get in and out with your items as quickly as possible.
    Once again just wishing you all the very best, there is nothing better than having a place to call home.
  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering
    Last night was a little unnerving. The fire alarm kept going off!! Not what you want when you are on the top floor and can't move very quickly or very far!! And you can't use the lift if there's a 🔥.

    Fortunately the problem was only a couple of rooms down from us and it had gone off because someone had left the shower going full blast at full temperature and filled the room with steam. I think they couldn't turn it off because it was too hot to reach the taps. I heard them talking to staff in the corridor and so didn't have to attempt the stairs and the staff told me not to worry. But it went off another three times and I couldn't help but worry!!
    My son had to use the stairs to fetch the pizza we had ordered and was just about collapsing when he got back up here and it rather spoiled our treat.
    A whole bus load of people arrived in the middle of it too. And some people did evacuate. Chaos!!
    I dread to think if it hadn't been just steam!!

    I am even more glad than I was before that tonight is our last night. I didn't sleep much at all last night and my son was awake until I got up at 5.
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,977 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Oh blimey, that really doesn't sound like a fun night for you both @bookrabbit! I'm so glad the end is in sight for you now, I've been counting down the days for you. <3 
  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering
    Thanks @Biblioklept I am getting really excited too 😊😊
    I am just wishing this day over with so we can get on with it 🤠🤠. I have coped with so much, I can cope with this too.

    My friend is driving up to collect us at 8 am. Only 20 more hours here...

  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 859 Championing
    Wishing you all the best for your move tomorrow, I'm excited for you. Keep us all updated with how you get on, hope it goes smoothly for you.
  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering
    Thanks for sharing my excitement 😊
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,689 Championing

    Well it’s finally nearly time for yous to move 👏👏  you and your son have coped so well with everything that’s been thrown your way.
    I hope tomorrow goes as smoothly as possible for yous, I’m so glad you’ll have your friend there to help and support you.
    Sorry about the problems with your family I really hope you can get your stuff out without any further problems.
    Look after yourself you are doing amazing. ❤️