Hi, my name is Muddler53!

Muddler53 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi .I have ADHD,RSD,anxiety,depression,Rosacea and hypothyroid .I only recently applied for pip and received my decision letter 2 days ago .I got 2 points.After going such a gruelling process  of talking about my conditions ,how they all aggravate each other,and the resulting problems they cause in day to day life ,which was in itself severely traumatising (also have PTSD relating to having ADHD for so long and the bullying and isolation it has caused throughout my life)Could anyone out there please give me some tips for MR .How do I make someone understand how these conditions all impact my mental health when they are not a mental health professional?As I work and went to mainstream school ,the only condition he recognised was that I have anxiety and tend to isolate.I kept forgetting what the assessor had asked me and told him of how my memory and information retrieval was poor but in my assessment it was recorded that I have no Cognitive disorder despite this.It was also said that I am not having specialist support but I was just finishing  a long stint of counselling sessions with counselling in the community when I applied and although I have asked for more specific support from the ADHD clinic I am told this is not available.I don't see why I am judged  on the lack of specialist support from the NHS that it can then be deemed my condition does not require assistance. This has retraumatised me immensely as I had to fight long and hard for a diagnosis and have had some awful experiences with my gp and mental health professionals where I was disregarded as having nothing much wrong but a negative outlook .This feels exactly the same.Not believed and disregarded .I would be really grateful if anyone has any advice for the MR .