Disabled failed by budget

Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,452 Championing
edited March 2024 in Coffee lounge
The government thinks more of (wealthy) families (earning up to £60k pa - who are still able to claim child tax credits) than the lowest paid, singletons who have to survive on (perhaps) less than £100 per week....
I include some disabled people in this category - so once again, the Tories give to the rich and the rest of us can go begging.....
The chancellor missed an  opportunity to perhaps raise the tax threshold, which would have not only helped the lowest paid, but instead took the default path and reduced the NI deductions from salaries of those who, to be honest DON'T NEED the extra income. What they really need is education, in how to budget - I mean, if someone can't survive on £50k pa - then there is something seriously wrong with them.
Single people (with no kids) cost the country considerably less than a family - so why are they always treated so unfairly when it comes to benefits - a child costs the nation a huge amount - nobody forces these couples to have kids, they CHOOSE to have them !! Yet can claim UC of several hundred pounds per week - disabled people DO NOT CHOOSE to be disabled yet receive considerably less....
I don't earn enough to pay NI, I am disabled and don't have kids, I don't smoke or drink - so the budget was a total damp squib for me.


  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    There was a lot of bad news. 

    But there was some good news here and there. From December 2024 those who take out Budget Advances from Universal Credit can pay it back over 24 months compared to the current maximum of 12 months.

    They also extended some support funds such as the Household Support Fund.

    However, I agree with you that on the whole it was very disappointing and some parts quite concerning.