I just sent of my first pip review off and I'm so scared!!

gingerllamalove Community member Posts: 3 Listener

So I have complex ptsd, dyslexia, Hirschsprung disease ( since birth and then after surgery due to 8 years of spiked laxative abuse from my parents) later turned to lazy bowel syndrome, combined typed adhd , depression , anxiety and suspected autism (awaiting diagnosis after referral from adhd diagnosis). And I've just sent off my pip review after two extensions. And I've updated it with the new changes that I recently got diagnosed with adhd and put forward for autism diagnosis and that I've had massive skill regression and permanently lost the ability to mask and my autistic traits are more prominent due to being on adhd meds sooo things have gotten worse lots of scary big changes and can't function at all! and even though I avoided going out when I did my first application due to my disabilities. I'm now terrified of people etc and afraid of the outside everything triggers me and i get overstimulated so quickly. So as it was my first pip review I was petrified to fill it out as my brain doesn't function much and as pip pays for my online therapy that I get twice a week which keeps me alive I'm soooo scared that notifying them that it's got worse is gonna get me rejected and the fact that I panicked and over explained everything as it had to be typed out with extreme help from my friend... I had so many meltdowns and complex ptsd episodes during this as it was so traumatic having to bring up all the things you struggle with. As I try to gaslight myself so I can just wake up. I wrote nearly 23k words 😭😭😭 for the 13 questions. I'm just so scared they are gonna mark me down because they had to spend time reading it all and I've seen people say that you should put no change. But I can't lie as my brain won't allow it. And I have it ingrained in me that I must tell the truth always .. yes this is my suspected autism which has always got me in trouble!! So yeah I'm sooo scared because if payments stopped and I had to dispute it , my therapy would be gone and I most likely won't be alive to dispute it. Sooo I'm very scared!! And I just keep spiralling because I have no control if I'm gonna lose my lifeline or not! 


  • gingerllamalove
    gingerllamalove Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Apologises for the error in the title... I did mention I'm dyslexic 🤣🤣
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing
    I'm glad to hear that you didn't just put no change. Even if there was no changes, I would never advise you to just put no change and nothing else. I always advise people to put as much relevant information as possible, without telling your life story. All claims should be treated as new claims. 

    You are not alone with feeling this way as the majority of people feel the same, with any PIP claim, even for reviews. I'm going through my review too and I returned my form at the beginning of December. 

    There are very long delays for review decisions for the majority of people so you could be waiting quite some time for a decision. In the meantime your current award will continue until a decision is made on the review. 

    You should expect another assessment as most people have them. They are mostly by telephone, some are face to face or video. 
  • gingerllamalove
    gingerllamalove Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thankyou :) your reply has really helped :) 
  • TheManFromLondon
    TheManFromLondon Community member Posts: 342 Empowering
    edited March 15
    Apologises for the error in the title... I did mention I'm dyslexic 🤣🤣
    Judging from your post and ability to explain all I see you 100% functional, and cheerful looking at the way you disclose your dyslexia to strangers, just maybe a little worried loosing the money which is understandable, anyone would. I wouldn’t worry much about the long details, if they get bored reading they will make an assessment, they wont just ignore it. Good luck.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,905 Championing
    Hello @gingerllamalove (Great username btw!)

    Welcome to the community! Just to let you know, I merged the two threads you had together and tidied the duplicate posts up. 

    I am so sorry that you are going through so much at the moment and the PIP review has just added to that. I wanted to check in as you mentioned having therapy, but you have support around you?

    I hope the community can be a place of support and friendship for you <3 We have our Coffee Lounge and new Games Lounge where it could hopefully keep your mind off everything!
  • stevepunt86
    stevepunt86 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi ginger I pretty much have the same conditions as you cptsd and depression anxiety and hirahsprung disease I am apply for pip now and wondering how did u get on ? 
  • stevepunt86
    stevepunt86 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    If there is anyway u could contact me that would be great
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,395 Online Community Coordinator
    Hey there @stevepunt86 and welcome to the community. :)

    It looks like they've not logged in for a month or so now, but we're all here to offer support if you needed help with anything? :) 
  • stevepunt86
    stevepunt86 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi mate I was just wondering if he recieved pip I have exactly the same conditions oddly enough
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,395 Online Community Coordinator
    Ah I see! Well PIP is less about any diagnosis, but more about how the illnesses affect you and how they correspond to each of the PIP descriptors. So it can be different for each person. 
  • stevepunt86
    stevepunt86 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Yes I know mate but I would imagine we have the same issues and just about to submit mine tomorrow 
  • stevepunt86
    stevepunt86 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Especially around toilet related issues and trouble with the cptsd 
  • stevepunt86
    stevepunt86 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Goodluck albus
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,306 Championing
    Yes I know mate but I would imagine we have the same issues and just about to submit mine tomorrow 
    No, not at all and you shouldn’t compare yourself to someone else, even with the same conditions. 

    You will never get 2 people the same. PIP is not about a diagnosis. You can have 5 people in the same room and they all apply for PIP, 3 people maybe entitled but 2 may not be. 

    You can have a disability but not be entitled to PIP because if you don’t meet the descriptors you won’t score the points needed for an award.

    Im  also not saying you’re not entitled because I have no idea how your conditions affect you.

    Please concentrate on your own claim, rather than someone else’s. When filling out the form make sure you include as much relevant information as possible, without telling your life story. 

    Include a couple of real world examples of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each descriptor that applies to you. Adding detailed information such as where you were, what exactly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were.