Thyme To Garden!

Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
I've seen a few members have been in their gardens! I've always said, I didn't get the green thumb. But I have family members with beautiful gardens.

There are many books and podcasts out there for those who, like me, don't have the green thumb but want to learn. 

  • The Gardener's Almanac 2024 (National Trust). I recently bought this as a Christmas gift for my Poppa. He is an experienced gardener, but this little book has a task, trivia, or a suggested plant for each month. It's a great way to take everything from wildlife to weather into consideration too. 
  • Veg In One Bed. Maybe you are not a flower person? Huw Richards has released a few books since this one, but I've been told this is a great a-z on vegetables. 
  • The Kew Gardener's Guide to Growing House Plants. Unfortunately, many people may not have the space or adaptations in their garden. But you can still enjoy the love of gardening indoors. And who better to help guide you, than Kew Gardens?!
Not everyone learns from a book and sometimes, it's nice to have something playing in the background when getting on with a task. So why not a podcast? To boost your knowledge as you work along. 

  • Gardening with the Royal Horticultural Society. Available on Spotify. 
  • Gardeners Corner. Available on BBC Sounds. 
  • The Organic Gardening Podcast. Available on Apple Podcasts.
I also thought this post could be a great way for members to share how they learned and recommend books and podcasts too :)

So, how did you learn to garden? Because, as of now, gardening's got me beet. 


  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Thank you @Ada :) 

    It's such a shame that a lot of these books don't come in audio format either. Which is why I shared the podcasts :) To be fair, a lot of the book information is on the podcast, and they are free as they allow adverts. 

    Aww I love that! A passion from childhood <3 I can't wait to see what you grow this year! I have seen those little wooden tags where you can write the name on in chalk. And then I think, British weather? Will need a permanent marker :D
  • Sioned
    Sioned Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected
    Youtube is a great place for gardening tips and advice

    Huw Richards, whose book you mentioned, started with youtube before he wrote any books and he still posts new videos there regularly. They go through all the things you need to know and are really well doone