Financial cost of care too high

Bowdon Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if someone could give me some advice.

I've recently had to start looking in to having carers at home because I've been bedbound for the past year due to covid complications, and having to rely on my elderly father is starting to take its toll.

I was born disabled with 2 genetic conditions. I've been through the special schools system and on disability benefits all my life.

I'm now 46 years old and need some help. After having a care assessment by a social worker we decided 3 hours a week, 1 hour on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, was enough.

The financial assessment came back to the social worker and she said the assessment is saying I have to pay £155 per week. I asked if I reduced it to 2 hours would that reduce the price per week? She said no. That it didn't matter if it was 2 hours or 10 hours it would be still the same price.

£155 is more than the value of my enhanced pip.

I don't understand why I'm being asked to pay. I have no income, only esa and pip. My savings are below the lower threshold. My savings rarely go over £6,000.

I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice or can give me some perspective on the situation. It just seems like a massive charge compared to other people's charges I've been reading online.


  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 754 Trailblazing
    Hi @Bowden I understand. I have tried to get care. It is very costly, about £35 an hour. I wish you good luck in your quest to find someone who is appropriate. 

  • Bowdon
    Bowdon Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    I've managed to get it down to £65 for 3 hours a week.

    I've noticed something. When my council is calculating the maximum amount they can charge me they look at the benefits. The two parts of pip (they disregard the mobility part), and esa.

    Is it usual for esa to be taken into consideration as income? Because I've noticed on some other council sites they have a contribution calculator. It asks about pip. But doesn't mention esa.

    Do councils usually include esa in the calculation?
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,017 Championing
    Hi @bowdon I'm sorry I don't know how care fees work just wanted to say hello and hope some one comes along with some advice. 
    I know it can be costly to have carers. I don't see how it costs the same to have carers for 10 hours or 3 hours, how did she work that out.
  • Bowdon
    Bowdon Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    Sandy_123 said:
    Hi @bowdon I'm sorry I don't know how care fees work just wanted to say hello and hope some one comes along with some advice. 
    I know it can be costly to have carers. I don't see how it costs the same to have carers for 10 hours or 3 hours, how did she work that out.

    Hi there,

    Apparently the maximum the council can charge me is £155 per week. The social worker I think got confused and told me that was a set price no matter how many hours I had. But the actual figure is lower.

    One thing I don't understand so far is I received the financial assessment which told me how much they can charge me. But I'm wondering if I'll have to sign a contract on the actual money I'll be paying.