0 points.

Liam9529 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
I'm not shocked and I want to appeal. They said "your anxiety, depression and ADHD are undiagnosed and you have no medication so we cannot award you PIP." I thought you didn't need medication. Do I bother even trying to go foe a MR


  • Liam9529
    Liam9529 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    they blatantly lied. I never mentioned anything about moblity, or some drug i've never even heard of. Insane. 
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,753 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @Liam9529, sorry you didn't get the result you wanted from your PIP claim. 

    It's well worth going through with an MR and if necessary a tribunal if you're feeling up to it. It's so frustrating to have to fight but the good news is that lots of people get better results at tribunal level. Keep us updated on what you decide to do next :)
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,226 Championing
    If you want to challenge the decision, you will have no option but to request the MR first because this is the first step to appeal. 

    The majority of MR decisions remain the same but there's always more chance of success at Tribunal stage as there's about 68% success rate. 

    I note from a previous thread that you got help from Citizens Advice with filling out the forms and you did say you didn't think they filled them out with enough of information. This wouldn't have helped at all. The more relevant information you give, the better the chances you have of being awarded. 

    For the MR you should put that request in writing, please do not ring PIP to request it. You should state where and why you think you should have scored those points. Also include a couple of real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each descriptor that applies to you. 

    The comment about no medication, so no award, is one of the usual standard reasons for not awarding points. You do not need to be taking medication to be successfully awarded PIP so I wouldn't take too much notice of that. 
  • Liam9529
    Liam9529 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    So do I just write a letter to them as I did before, Stating real world examples? And yeah, he was utterly useless. I'm so annoyed that I went to them. I do have to call for the full thing, as I got the letter in the post, just telling me "I cannot award you PIP blah blah blah". I'm so scared, I hate writing about myself, Because I never know how to word things. I'll give it my best. I'll be rejected again but hey. 
  • kitkat23
    kitkat23 Online Community Member Posts: 69 Empowering
    what are you did you get nhs diagnosis? Or private ADHD diagnosis?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,226 Championing
    You don't need the assessment report to request the MR. Some people will advise that you should request it but doing so will only cause a distraction to what you should do at this stage and that's to concentrate on where and why you think you should have scored those points. If you concentrate on what's written in the report then this isn't going to help you. 

    As the chance of success at MR stage is only about 23% then yes, you will likely need to take it to Tribunal. However, you could be one of those 23% who has the decision changed at this stage. 
  • Liam9529
    Liam9529 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    kitkat23 said:
    what are you did you get nhs diagnosis? Or private ADHD diagnosis?
    I didn't get a diagnosis. But I've been told you don't need one, just how it affects you.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,226 Championing
    You are correct, you don't need a diagnosis to be awarded PIP. Did you put in the form or tell them at any point that you have a diagnosis?
  • Liam9529
    Liam9529 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    No, i didnt.
  • Liam9529
    Liam9529 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    So, I called yesterday, they rang back. They said they'll use my universial credit report and send it to captita. Wonder what they mean. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,226 Championing
    That makes no sense because capita do assessments and you’ve already had that and a decision was made. 

    Who did you speak to when they rang you? 
  • Liam9529
    Liam9529 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    DFC in Northern Ireland. They called me back. It was definitely PIP. 
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist
    Hey @Liam9529, have you looked into the process for writing up an MR? It can often help to have someone write it out with you.

    You can read a little about it here Appealing a DWP decision | Disability charity Scope UK
  • Liam9529
    Liam9529 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    So I got two letters, One saying I should send in evidence for my MR, Which was dated the 26th of March. I receieved it today. 
    And the second was "We've got all the info we need to make our decision". 

    Should I be worried?
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,629 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    That's quite a way back for that first letter. Did the second letter have a date on it too? It sounds like they've got all the info needed, so you should hear something back from them one way or the other in a few weeks.  Though please try not to panic! 
  • Liam9529
    Liam9529 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    That's quite a way back for that first letter. Did the second letter have a date on it too? It sounds like they've got all the info needed, so you should hear something back from them one way or the other in a few weeks.  Though please try not to panic! 
    First letter was dated the 26th of March. 
    The second, the 11th. 
    Yeah, The timing was strange. I half thought they were doing it to purposely screw me over. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,226 Championing
    I think it's clear here what's happened. The letter saying they have all the information they need took longer to get to you than the MR letter. For this reason you can ignore that letter dated 11th March. 
  • Liam9529
    Liam9529 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
    I think it's clear here what's happened. The letter saying they have all the information they need took longer to get to you than the MR letter. For this reason you can ignore that letter dated 11th March. 
    11th of April, I meant. 26th of March was the other letter. But yeah, I think so.