blue_jade95 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
I had a pip review over the phone, they asked me could I walk to the shop which I answered yes he said often I said no as I have accidents with my bowl and have social agoraphobia which was diagnosed in a assessment in 2018 and not on my recent on of 2024 would this still apply as I feel I still have this diagnosis? And with walking to the shop would the assessor class this as on a good day, as he asked further as to shopping (big store)and appointments I always go with mum or sister as feel more safe and calms me more  the assessor also asked when the last time I went to my local shop was which was over a week ago and also asked if can ask staff for help which I replied yes only because I’m familiar with the staff there they ask me how I am etc 

I know with pip they look at day to day daily which I go shopping with my mother one a week to going to my local shop twice a month 
If anyone could give me some advice this would be great as my mental health is overthinking constantly thank you 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,037 Championing
    I think it will be impossible for anyone to speculate anything at this stage. I know it's difficult but try to focus on something else while you wait for the decision. Once it's made you will be contacted.