Hi, my name is nettie7188!

nettie7188 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
I have used this wonderful site for my PIP application which was successful last year. So I decided to join because I feel lost at the moment. 
Sadly I am struggling with ddd in many of my discs. But mainly the base of my spine with disc bulges and a annular tear with constant numbness in my right leg and buttocks and now the top of my left leg for many years . I have just waited a whole year to see a spinal specialist only to be told year's ago he would of operated on my back but not recommend anymore. Also the injections would not be beneficial to me and I should use a walking stick to help me and think positively and try to enjoy life. This is hard when you are constantly in pain and can't do what you used to be to do. I have had to give up work that I loved and rely on my family. I have been on a 8 week pain management sessions which helped me to learn to distract from the pain and pace myself and I also made new friends. We meet up once a week to keep supporting each other. I was hoping I would find support here. I find talking to other people who are going through the same is such a help. 


  • nettie7188
    nettie7188 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Also I have arthritis in my right ankle. 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,712 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @nettie7188 and a warm welcome to the community (and happy Easter if you're celebrating!) 

    I'm sorry that you're experiencing so much pain, but it's good that you were able to find friends through the pain management sessions and I hope you find some great friendship on the community too. The coffee lounge and games room are great places to start and please don't hesitate to jump right in with any conversation that takes your fancy. 
  • nettie7188
    nettie7188 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you for your warm welcome and your understanding. Happy Easter to you.
    I will check out the coffee lounge and the games room.  
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 59,535 Championing
    Hi @nettie7188 welcome back to the forum. You got  my symphony as I also suffer I'd DDD amongst other things. I always make the most of what I can do. The injections don't work for me, they only last a short while, then it's back to square one.  I had to give  work up too,