Pip update

Rach1968 Community member Posts: 52 Contributor
Hi everyone just thought I would give update on my claim...
It was my first claim and got refused..I got 6points daily living and 4for mobility..
So I put in for a mandatory consideration... this was also rejected...
So I put in for a appeal...I received a text this morning saying the DWP were going to ring me...
They rang and after a lengthy conversation she said she would ring me back within the hour...
She rang back and I've been awarded lower rate daily living and highest rate for mobility...
My thing to you all is yes it's frustrating but don't give up...
And the help I've received from this page has been amazing 😍...thank you to everyone xx


  • mama101
    mama101 Community member Posts: 15 Listener
    Thank you for this, and very happy for you! What a realif! 

     could you please let me know what your time scale was? Currently waiting for result from mandatory reconsideration which reading everyone’s else’s I am guessing will be no change. 

    I was awarded standard mobility which I agree about but only given 4 points for daily when I should have scored 10 to get standard daily.   
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,743 Online Community Coordinator
    Excellent news @Rach1968 that must be a huge relief? 

    @mama101 MRs have a fairly low success rate to be honest, but tribunals have a 70% win rate currently, so it's all worth it, it just takes that bit longer unfortunately. 

  • tracyj59
    tracyj59 Community member Posts: 28 Connected
    that’s great news I’ve just put in for tribunal I scored the same as you and then was refused mandatory reconsideration score stayed the same I just filled tribunal in today and hoping for the best how long did you wait for call from when you put in for tribunal please so happy for you and you got the award you deserve 
  • Rach1968
    Rach1968 Community member Posts: 52 Contributor
    mama101 said:
    Thank you for this, and very happy for you! What a realif! 

     could you please let me know what your time scale was? Currently waiting for result from mandatory reconsideration which reading everyone’s else’s I am guessing will be no change. 

    I was awarded standard mobility which I agree about but only given 4 points for daily when I should have scored 10 to get standard daily.   
    My claim started back in September but since I put in for my appeal it's only been around 5weeks...it never actually got to appeal due to the DWP ringing me this morning... keep strong I totally understand the stress but my case I found the more information I sent and the better explanation of how things affect me worked..I held back during my assessment... good luck 🤞 xx 
  • Rach1968
    Rach1968 Community member Posts: 52 Contributor
    Excellent news @Rach1968 that must be a huge relief? 

    @mama101 MRs have a fairly low success rate to be honest, but tribunals have a 70% win rate currently, so it's all worth it, it just takes that bit longer unfortunately. 

    Definitely a relief and I am truly grateful for everyone advice on here at one point I thought I can't do this... but definitely worth putting in for the appeal
  • Rach1968
    Rach1968 Community member Posts: 52 Contributor
    tracyj59 said:
    that’s great news I’ve just put in for tribunal I scored the same as you and then was refused mandatory reconsideration score stayed the same I just filled tribunal in today and hoping for the best how long did you wait for call from when you put in for tribunal please so happy for you and you got the award you deserve 
    It's taken about 5weeks from when I logged my appeal...I didn't even know what the call was for I assumed it was from the court but it was from the DWP I just basically stated why I disagree with there first refusal... and I have to be honest the lady was lovely I spoke to...I found it far less daunting than the assessment... good luck 🤞
  • tracyj59
    tracyj59 Community member Posts: 28 Connected
    I haven’t an extra information for tribunal just gave reasons why I disagreed and said about my daily life hope this is enough hope don’t have to wait 12 months for tribunal I’m so worried about it  did you give an extra stuff or just say why u disagreed with it 
  • Rach1968
    Rach1968 Community member Posts: 52 Contributor
    tracyj59 said:
    I haven’t an extra information for tribunal just gave reasons why I disagreed and said about my daily life hope this is enough hope don’t have to wait 12 months for tribunal I’m so worried about it  did you give an extra stuff or just say why u disagreed with it 
    I just said what I disagreed with...it is a very difficult time the waiting...I was given a date that the DWP had to respond by which was yesterday...then I received the txt today saying they were going to ring me..I was just totally honest about how everything affects me..I did have to ask if I could take a few minutes because my anxiety was taking over...but she was lovely and I didn't think it was half as bad as the actual assessment...
  • tracyj59
    tracyj59 Community member Posts: 28 Connected
    That’s great so happy for you they have  give me a date which is 7 th May I hope I get a call haven’t heard of this before just people having long waits for tribunal 
  • Rach1968
    Rach1968 Community member Posts: 52 Contributor
    tracyj59 said:
    That’s great so happy for you they have  give me a date which is 7 th May I hope I get a call haven’t heard of this before just people having long waits for tribunal 
    I hadn't but I was just prepared to go to the appeal...I hope all goes well for you...Its the waiting as well that's the worst..but I think I was in the mindset it will be what it will be because I was exhausted by it all....I wished you good luck 🤞 keep strong ♥️
  • Rach1968
    Rach1968 Community member Posts: 52 Contributor
    mama101 said:
    Thank you for this, and very happy for you! What a realif! 

     could you please let me know what your time scale was? Currently waiting for result from mandatory reconsideration which reading everyone’s else’s I am guessing will be no change. 

    I was awarded standard mobility which I agree about but only given 4 points for daily when I should have scored 10 to get standard daily.   
    My MR seemed to take months I think it was about 8 weeks..that was rejected so I put in appeal...the DWP had 28 days to respond...then I received a text this morning saying they were going to ring me...she basically asked me about what I disagreed with then said she would phone me back within the hour with a decision...it never actually went to appeal I could have disagreed with her decision but to be honest I was exhausted by it all and am happy with the results... wishing you good luck..xx
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,743 Online Community Coordinator
    tracyj59 said:
    That’s great so happy for you they have  give me a date which is 7 th May I hope I get a call haven’t heard of this before just people having long waits for tribunal 
    I'll be keeping everything crossed for you!  It's not unusual for them to call and offer an award before tribunal.  But sometimes it's a lower award than you'd receive at the tribunal. 
    I found the tribunal very caring and they actually asked how I was. It was a world apart from the assessments, so please try not to worry too much. :)
  • BuzzerButton
    BuzzerButton Community member Posts: 28 Connected
    Massive congrats, I’m doing my mums pip. We think our mr will be refused as we’ve had no text. It’s nice to know updates from similar situations

  • Rach1968
    Rach1968 Community member Posts: 52 Contributor
    Massive congrats, I’m doing my mums pip. We think our mr will be refused as we’ve had no text. It’s nice to know updates from similar situations

    Massive congrats, I’m doing my mums pip. We think our mr will be refused as we’ve had no text. It’s nice to know updates from similar situations

    Massive congrats, I’m doing my mums pip. We think our mr will be refused as we’ve had no text. It’s nice to know updates from similar situations

    Massive congrats, I’m doing my mums pip. We think our mr will be refused as we’ve had no text. It’s nice to know updates from similar situations
    Good luck to you with your mom's... don't be disheartened if you get a no with your MR...not many people get it...but go to appeal... don't be phased by it....I put in more appeal then had call from DWP...I found it way less stressful than the actual assessment... wishing you luck 🤞

    tracyj59 said:
    That’s great so happy for you they have  give me a date which is 7 th May I hope I get a call haven’t heard of this before just people having long waits for tribunal 
    I'll be keeping everything crossed for you!  It's not unusual for them to call and offer an award before tribunal.  But sometimes it's a lower award than you'd receive at the tribunal. 
    I found the tribunal very caring and they actually asked how I was. It was a world apart from the assessments, so please try not to worry too much. :)