Re wca

lydia5683 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Connected
Hi, I was found lcwra which im very happy with for my wca scoring points on Initiating and completing personal actions. In the report the asessor only put this descriptor for me to be found lcwra stating I severely struggled with this task due to my mental health and that severe disability seemed likely in that area. They didn't focus on the other descriptors.

I was wondering if its because if you score more than one lcwra descriptors they only choose the main one?

I put in my questionnaire and my gp in the supporting report that I should also meet lcwra for managing continence, awareness of hazards and dangers and managing nutrition. 

Also in the report it didn't say that I also met the lcw descriptors and it said in the report that my assessment was curtailed on the continence part of the report. I did have a telephone assessment and my assessment wasnt cut short so why did they write this?

There was also harmful information in my report that I couldn't see.



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    For LCWRA you only need to meet at least one of them. If they think one applies then this is what they will concentrate on. The same applies if someone takes it to Tribunal. 

    Why would the report mention LCW? It's irrelevant here anyway because you were found to have LCWRA.