Back pay

Cinders1973 Community member Posts: 5 Listener
I got a letter totally out of the blue. It stated that I had a telephone interview with a health professional from PIP about a review from 2021. I got rejected in that year and took off PIP. I totally forgot about me putting an appeal in but reason I did is because I should of never been took off it in the first place. If the decision maker changes their mind will i get backdated to when I put the appeal in 2021 September time? Please can you help me with this situation because it is actually making me poorly with all the stress. Thanks.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,717 Championing
    A little confused here, in a previous thread you mentioned you're waiting for a decision to be made. Is this because you started a new claim? 

    The text you received is rather odd because when you challenge a decision you don't usually have another assessment, if one is needed, it's very rare. Is it related to a Mandatory Reconsideration or a Tribunal? An appeal refers to a Tribunal and you definitely don't have another assessment for that. It will be a Tribunal hearing.