Child DLA

Rockingmonkey24 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener

My child finally got awarded after a long wait and then a MR. I don't feel the low rate award is correct and I have since got further evidence (a long awaited diagnoses, which we got after they made there decision). Do I send it in and fight for a higher rate?

Or best leave it and be grateful my child has something?

I'm Worried it may effect it and and end up with nothing. However diagnoses clearly shows how it's effecting my Childs mobility.


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Hi again - you can ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration where another decision maker will look at everything again. This is best put in writing simply with a letter (altho there is a form) saying exactly why you feel your child should have a higher rate. If you haven't come across this site, it is very informative:   there's a section there, 'What if I'm not happy with a DLA decision.'

  • Rockingmonkey24
    Rockingmonkey24 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
    Thank you. This link is very helpful. Worried it will affect the present decision however I feel it is not fair child is on the low rate for the condition when so many out there are on higher rates and some don't even have diagnoses.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,227 Championing
    What exactly were they awarded, care or mobility? 
  • Rockingmonkey24
    Rockingmonkey24 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
    Awarded both care and mobility since the MR.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,227 Championing
    Is that low rate for both? Sorry but I can’t advise without all of the information. 
  • Rockingmonkey24
    Rockingmonkey24 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
    Sorry yes low rate for both.  It was originally refused. I put in a MR with further information and evidence from school SEND team. And then got awarded a couple of weeks ago low rate for both.

    The original claim stated about the mobility problem my child had and information from physio etc and then when I put in the MR I added in the care needs and info from SEND.

    But since this decision, I have had her diagnoses from consultants and it is the main cause for her mobility problems... this is what I feel I should send in and feel she should qualify for a higher rate. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,227 Championing
    For mid rate care your child needs to have either care or supervision needs throughout the day or night.

    For high rate care they need to have frequent care or supervision needs throughout the day and night. 

    For high rate mobility they would need to have severe physical difficulties, or conditions that mean it’s dangerous for them to get around. 

    If its mental health conditions they have then they would need to have high rate care to be able to claim high rate mobility. More information here

    It’s also not about a diagnosis. You can request the MR and it’s better to put this in writing. 
  • Rockingmonkey24
    Rockingmonkey24 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
    Thank you Yes autism so high care needs day and night and a nerve condition which effects mobility this is why I feel my child is entitled to a higher rate. 

    DLA told me previously that Doctors letters/ diagnoses from professionals is what they go on and make it easier for them to award.  

    Can they stop/ reduce what you've already been awarded with a MR or will they only look at it and if awarded extra then do so or if they feel your not entitled then keep it the same ?
    Thank you.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,227 Championing
    For the MR they will look at the whole award again. The award could either remain the same, be increased, decreased or stopped completely. 

    I have no idea what the stats are for Childs DLA so can’t advise what the most likely outcome could be. 
  • Rockingmonkey24
    Rockingmonkey24 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
    Thank you