Feeling anxious/anemia/iron tablets :( need advice :( scared

smileysun Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor
I have been taking ferrous sulphate for my periods 200mg per day. I stopped taking it for a month/2 and had 2 periods, and started to feel very tired/weak and noticed I was struggling with my workouts again.

I had a blood test, and the doctor said my results came back ' normal ' They won't divulge me yet in numbers, but I'm assuming they are on the low end, due to my iron being lowered each month by my period.

Ive been taking the ferrous sulphate ( as instructed by the dr ) for a week, is it possible I feel anxious/down and tired! and panicky because my levels need time to restore again? My symptoms are tiredness, I can't focus, I'm emotional I do feel a little tired. I just need reassurance :( 



  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 887 Trailblazing
    In my NHS area (I googled to see & it only comes up under my area), they have a site connected to the NHS app that you can see all appts, also all test results etc., maybe you have similar or your surgery does.

    If your surgery are happy with your iron levels, then it could be your hormones are out of whack or PMS/PMT or nothing connected to your periods. As Woodbine has said, best to have a chat with your GP.

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @smileysun - I can't speak for certain, as not medically qualified, but imagine if you stop taking a recommended supplement for a while, it can take time for you to again (hopefully) gain the benefits of this.
    Blood tests can come back as 'normal,' but can vary, which is why sometimes our GPs check them at different intervals to see how we're doing. Perhaps not assume anything, rather be just guided by your GP, as they know your medical history.
    May I also say you sometimes have to listen to your own body, so, if your workouts are too much sometimes, then scale back a bit whilst continuing to do what you can. This is the long retired physio in me realising that, yes, I will definitely continue with exercise, as I know only too well its benefits, but I had to take on board that whilst I knew about 'pacing,' I really needed to embrace that too, which took probably way longer than it should, as I resisted for a long time! 'Pacing' did however give me energy to do things when I could, & not beat myself up when I couldn't.
    Looking back, you've been through quite a bit recently such as losing your lovely Aunt, tho in a way you'll never lose her, as she's forever in your heart. The death of a loved one is awful; no 2 ways about it, but, I've felt, it sometimes gives us the opportunity of getting to know their remaining loved ones better too. My best wishes.
  • smileysun
    smileysun Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor
    chiarieds said:
    Hi @smileysun - I can't speak for certain, as not medically qualified, but imagine if you stop taking a recommended supplement for a while, it can take time for you to again (hopefully) gain the benefits of this.
    Blood tests can come back as 'normal,' but can vary, which is why sometimes our GPs check them at different intervals to see how we're doing. Perhaps not assume anything, rather be just guided by your GP, as they know your medical history.
    May I also say you sometimes have to listen to your own body, so, if your workouts are too much sometimes, then scale back a bit whilst continuing to do what you can. This is the long retired physio in me realising that, yes, I will definitely continue with exercise, as I know only too well its benefits, but I had to take on board that whilst I knew about 'pacing,' I really needed to embrace that too, which took probably way longer than it should, as I resisted for a long time! 'Pacing' did however give me energy to do things when I could, & not beat myself up when I couldn't.
    Looking back, you've been through quite a bit recently such as losing your lovely Aunt, tho in a way you'll never lose her, as she's forever in your heart. The death of a loved one is awful; no 2 ways about it, but, I've felt, it sometimes gives us the opportunity of getting to know their remaining loved ones better too. My best wishes.
    Hi! thankyou so much for you're reply. I think I just needed to hear kind words from somebody who get's it really and this really gave me comfort when I needed it most.
    I think you're right, my practical/logical mind tells me that if I stopped suppliments for something that is ' ongoing ' then it's only self explanitory that it might dip again and I had the test BEFORE my period, so it hasn't possibly had an accurate reading. 
    I am going to set an alarm and make an appointment with my drs to discuss my blood tests and to get a reading so that I know where im at and I can work through this rationally and logically.

    Thanks also for you're message regarding excersize, I do enjoy doing it for the mind benefits and for the energy it brings/focus, but you are right when you say pacing is important. Ive noticed a bit of burn out lately and I think if im recovering from a deficiancy listening to my body is probably my best bet for now, untill I know what's going on for sure when I find out anyway, so thankyou for the gentle reminder.

    Finally! thanks for you're sweet message about my aunt. Perhaps im still going through the process in my own way even if I don't recognise it, I miss her alot and it somehow feels like she's still around, so im defiently not over the greiving process, it's denial I think. But It has shon a light on who is important and who id like to show more love too. It's a wierd time, but id give anything in this world to wish her back here, <3 thankyou once again, you're kindness is unbelievable and has blown me away.

  • smileysun
    smileysun Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor
    JessieJ said:
    In my NHS area (I googled to see & it only comes up under my area), they have a site connected to the NHS app that you can see all appts, also all test results etc., maybe you have similar or your surgery does.

    If your surgery are happy with your iron levels, then it could be your hormones are out of whack or PMS/PMT or nothing connected to your periods. As Woodbine has said, best to have a chat with your GP.

    Thankyou Jessie! I do know about this app, unfortunately you need a form of photo identity in order to activate it & my drs surgery refuse to give me the details it outlines on the website, even though, it says they should. The receptionist was very rude and kept ignoring my question and kept asking for my name. So I got upset and told her id appreciate it if she wasn't rude and if she'd answer the questions I had asked. She then told me I was being rude and that she isn't going to give me the details I asked why she can't, she said she didn't know and refused to ask somebody for the answer. 

    My iron levels are always on the lower end, it's frustrating it's linked with heavy periods. I went for a scan today and a cyst was found so they are going to check if it's the cause, as for my hormone levels, they have come back ' normal ' this was already checked.

    Ive had blood tests, hormone checks, the works and the only thing all of this points too and the feelings I have, all stem from the first time I found out I was ' iron deficiant ' so im hoping and praying continuation of these supliments, after a months break, will help get me back on track again.

    Thanks for you're comment. Im hoping my GP can actually help soon :( im loosing faith and trust in the healthcare system to be honest.
  • smileysun
    smileysun Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor
    woodbine said:
    This is something you need to discuss with your GP as non of us are qualified to give medical advice, hope you get it sorted though
    Hey Woodbine, thanks for you're reply. Ive lost faith in my gp/drs but I always get things checked through them too before I post on these forums, I just find it useful to gain knowledge from others who have experienced similar things ( lived experience ) and the reassurance helps to ease my mind a little bit while I'm in limbo between now and waiting for an appointment.
    I would never souly turn to the internet, in the interest of my own health. I just wanted some reassurance <3

  • BlackfoxCadara
    BlackfoxCadara Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    i remember reading in another post you were having trouble with vit D as well. i said then also to talk to your GP about your times of the month. this is often a symptom of another undelaying issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome. i didn't give my advice to you from nowhere. I gave it to you as someone else who also has to fight the GPs and suffers with Vit D and iron issues. also ADHD to. I'm just terrible at wording things thanks to dyslexia. (can't spell half the words i want to use.) 
    the issue with amimia is that it can also be an autoimmune thing as well. so if you don't get your GPs to look into it, you keep going down a health spiral of never getting things under control. So I'm still gonna say BUG the freck out of your GP until they listen, and get them to refer you to an NHS nationalist. 
  • BlackfoxCadara
    BlackfoxCadara Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
    nationalist. = nutritionist ughhh dyslexia strikes again.
  • smileysun
    smileysun Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor
    i remember reading in another post you were having trouble with vit D as well. i said then also to talk to your GP about your times of the month. this is often a symptom of another undelaying issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome. i didn't give my advice to you from nowhere. I gave it to you as someone else who also has to fight the GPs and suffers with Vit D and iron issues. also ADHD to. I'm just terrible at wording things thanks to dyslexia. (can't spell half the words i want to use.) 
    the issue with amimia is that it can also be an autoimmune thing as well. so if you don't get your GPs to look into it, you keep going down a health spiral of never getting things under control. So I'm still gonna say BUG the freck out of your GP until they listen, and get them to refer you to an NHS nationalist. 
    Thankyou! I actually sent in a request today asking my dr to check me for allergies as I've had to take antihistamines for almost a year and they've not got to the bottom of it, so it could well be related to auto immune, or something along those lines :) so thanks for bringing that to my attention.
    I believe I also may be dyslexic! so I totally get it, my spelling is just, way out there! we've got to embrace it!