UC , careers eletnment

g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 102 Contributor
ATM  i claim   basic UC  + housing eletnment i await UC5O/ MR /// TRIBUNRAL 4 myself  .  .   HAD  change circumstances  just reported to UC  CHANGE  CIRCUMSTANCES  CARING .   &  family member , SHE    is recovering from stroke & gets full  AA attendance allowance .   FROM 25  march 2024  i CAREER   35 + hours week . AS  she  needs 24/ 7  supervistion some 1 here 24/ 7  .  OTHER  career  another family member  . HE  is oap claims  AA atendance allowance  because knee op , replactnment.   NO  body else  involved , or no one claim  careers allowance .  SO  9 april 2024  today reported this to  UC  on jourmal  i career 35 + hours  week  person  gets full AA .  no body else claims careers allowance .  JUST , HAD  messadge  back to say my phone appoitnment with  UC, COACH  30th april  been  cancelled .  ALL  i have to do log in regular  do all on to do lists . REport changes .  IAM  being  told   BUT  /NOT BY  DWP/ UC .  i get careers eletnment  on top off my basic UC &  HOUSE ELETNMENT .  £198 MOUTH ????   I   EXCEPT  work search  / apply work / jobs activity ????. SO  my ref period  2 april to 1 may . pay day 8 th may . WILL  career eletnment  be paid from  8 may ????.  I  have current fit note up to  may 2024 4 myself  .   CAREERS  ELETNMENT  of UC  new to me  new to me .   ANY  comments . 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,397 Championing
    Before you claimed carers element did you check that the person claiming AA doesn't receive Pension Credit that includes the Severe disability Premium? If it does then this will end now you're claiming carers element, which could potentially affect any other benefits they are claiming, such as Housing benefit and council Tax reduction. 

    Carers element was £185.86/month but it's just increased to £189.31/month. In your payment on 8th May you will receive £185.86 extra. This is because you will not see the increase in your UC until your June payment. 

    The carers element will be included in your next payment. Do also be aware that once a decision is made on your WCA Tribunal if found to have LCWRA then you can't receive this element and carers element at the same time. You will only receive the higher element, which is LCWRA. 
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 102 Contributor
    YES  they have small  private penstion so cant claim/ get  PENSTION TAX CREDIT .  THEY  cant claim  get council tax /  housing rebate because small penstion private . 
  • g7iqj
    g7iqj Online Community Member Posts: 102 Contributor
    Thanck you for help .