About pip renewal - am I due back pay? How long will the decision take?

leejackowilliams Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited April 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hello sorry if any one can help I've read though so many trying to find answers my anxiety is going though the roof...
So I had a pip renewal phone assessment on the 21st March not heard anything back yet if I have a renewal  and I get accepted for higher pip do I get back pay? I've rang pip its still sayin I get paid my normal amount on the 19th April my normal payment date , how long is peoples decisions taking I've not recived no texts since the assessment about them not coming to a decision or that there still working on it is that normal 
Thank you for reading 


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,785 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hello @leejackowilliams, welcome to the community. I'll put your post over into our PIP section where more members with the right experiences can find it and help answer some of your questions :)

    The decision times can vary a lot from case to case, but it can be quite a few weeks wait. Hopefully some of our members can share how long theirs took. I hope you're not waiting too much longer though, I know it can be a really worrying time.
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 853 Championing
    Decisions can take upto 10 weeks for a decision to be made, if your award has increased like woodbine stated then your award will be backdated to when your renewal started. You will sometimes get a text to say your renewal is completed however this is not always the case for some people.

    Also the automated payment line isn't reliable and is sometimes giving wrong information.

    Goodluck with everything.
  • leejackowilliams
    leejackowilliams Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thank use all so much use all have been so helpful 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    For reviews if it’s a review started by DWP and not you ringing to report changes then it’s down to a decision maker to decide whether to backdate your award to an earlier date, if it’s a higher award.

    In normal times it’s usually paid from the date the decision was made. Due to the waiting times for review decisions they may award from an earlier date but it’s not guaranteed. Some are backdated and some are not.