Hi! I'm Pauline. I'm autistic and partially deaf.

Pauline_S Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
Yes, my special talents are being autistic and partially deaf. Don't all fight over me now!  ;)


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,654 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hello @Pauline_S! Welcome! We're a bunch of people with a whole host of special talents, so I'm sure you'll feel at home here ;)

    Looks like you've already been getting involved in some of the games and chats, but if you ever have any questions just ask! Great to have you with us :)
  • Pauline_S
    Pauline_S Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    Thanks Rosie! Gradually finding my way round! :smile:
  • Ghost4287
    Ghost4287 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Contributor
    Hello @Pauline_S I saw that it says your autistic. I was wondering at what age did you start talking?
  • Pauline_S
    Pauline_S Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    Hi, I was quite young, around 8 months I think. Autistic people I know seem to either have been really early at talking or just waited until they were 4, then went into full sentences!
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 852 Championing
    Welcome to the community, Yeah I didn't start talking till age 4 and had a speech problem so no one could understand me, had to have speech therapy to get me to pronounce words properly haha
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,987 Championing
    Nice to meet you @Pauline_S from another person with autism
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    And a big hello from me too! I'm late diagnosed autistic, as of 18 months ago. :) 
  • Pauline_S
    Pauline_S Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    Hi @Albus_Scope. My autistic discovery was during lockdown. I welcomed it, as it explained so much to me. I have a friend who was diagnosed at the same time and she went through a sort of grief process. It's interesting how differently people respond.
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    That's exactly how I refer to it @Pauline_S there really is an odd sort of grieving that happens. Especially if it's later in life.  There's a lot of introspection to be done for sure.  Funnily enough, my two closest friends have also recently been diagnosed on the spectrum, so that shows we do gravitate towards similar folk. :)
    I definitely welcomed my diagnosis, but also had a tough few months as I over thought past scenarios. 
  • Pauline_S
    Pauline_S Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    @Albus_Scope Absolutely! I still have moments when I remember a situation and think 'Ohhh, so that's why that happened!'
  • Pauline_S
    Pauline_S Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    @Albus_Scope and we really do gravitate towards each other!

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Haha, yup, I know that thought oh so well.  I've started singing "That'll be the 'tism!" at my sister now. I find humour helps loads. :)