Volunteering Advice

YZM_30 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
Hello, I am 31 and I unfortunately I have no real work or volunteering history, which I know isn’t a good thing. I’m currently looking into volunteering, as I need to start moving my life forward, however, most places require 2 references and I obviously can’t provide these. I’m just wondering if anyone can provide any advice on how I can move forwards with this? Thank you. 


  • DaddysGirl1982
    DaddysGirl1982 Community member Posts: 11 Connected
    hi @YZM_30. I looked on the website to see if they have any volunteering opportunities and I registered on their volunteer hub page. I had my welcome chat meeting yesterday afternoon. I'm booked on to the induction on Monday 29/04/24. 
    I'm just waiting for the lady I spoke to today to send me the information I need about where the induction will be.

  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,463 Championing
    Hi @YZM_30 Try this resource: https://www.ncvo.org.uk/get-involved/volunteering/volunteering-opportunities/

    The NCVO has volunteer centers in many locations and are a good resource for help in getting into and volunteering opportunities. Your local library would hopefully have the location of your nearest center.

  • hyancinth
    hyancinth Community member Posts: 78 Empowering
    Any health charity or organisation you are linked to with may be able to help you especially as it will improve your  wellbeing (should) 
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,438 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @YZM_30, if you explain your situation to the places you're hoping to volunteer with, they might be able to accept an alternative.

    Would there be anyone who could help you out with a character reference? Sometimes places will accept these instead of work/volunteering references. Sounds like a really positive step, so I hope you can find a way forward :)