Is UC requiring a full time student to work in summer?

MariaJ83 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
I just had a conversation with my work coach who indicated I'll be required to work over the summer because I'm not having any lessons in uni then. But as far as I know I should not be required to work over the summer break as a full time student, regardless of not having lessons then. Can someone give me a link to government website where it is clearly stated I am not required to work over summer as a full time student, please?
Many thanks,


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    In a previous thread you said you have been found to have Limited Capability for work, is that correct? If so then you won’t be expected to look for work but maybe expected to attend work focused interviews.

    If it’s LCWRA that you have then you have no work commitments at all so won’t be expected to do anything. 
  • MariaJ83
    MariaJ83 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    Thank you for your answer. I do have LCW but it's kind of ended? I'm not sure... I was told in 2022 I got it for 18 months. So im not sure what i am now... Just in case, what it is for normal students regardingsummer break and work commitment?
    Thank you in advance for the answer. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    LCW has no end date, which I advised in your previous thread here. 

    If you didn't have LCW then it would depend on your circumstances  but that's irrelevant because you still have LCW and this doesn't end until a new decision on another work capability assessment says otherwise. 
  • MariaJ83
    MariaJ83 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    Thank you so much. I'm just very worried because my work coach seems to be pushing me into work despite my LWC, which terrifies me. I'm dreading what it will be when my LWC ends. I just wanted to know what I am standing on and what are my options for the future. You say for non-LCW people it depends on individual circumstances? But who assess those circumstances? Work coach or case manager?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    The LCW will only end if you are found fit for work during your next review. I keep advising that it has no end date. The timescale they give isn’t an end date, it’s a guide given to when your next review maybe. 

    They were suspended for a very long time, which is why you haven’t yet had a review. 

    It’s a work coach that sets your commitments and for you that will not mean looking for work. You maybe expected to attend appointments. It will depend on your commitments. 
  • MariaJ83
    MariaJ83 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    I'm so sorry that I keep coming back to it but my work coach is saying different things while you are saying different things. It's so stressful for me because I feel I need to give some hard evidence for my work coach that she can't reject regarding me not required to work over summer break. That's why I'm asking for some links to government website so I can defend myself against her. I have impression she doesn't know the rules very well or is deliberately trying to force me into work which is triggering massive anxiety for me... :(
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    The evidence is that you have LCW and not expected to look for work, just prepare to work in the future. If you didn't have LCW then you would be expected to look for work even as a student. Students and UC do not mix well but as you have a child you can claim it.

    If you're not happy with your current work coach then as for a different one. 
  • hyancinth
    hyancinth Online Community Member Posts: 78 Empowering
    Hi Maria
    LCW is work prep not work, not at all in any way. In fact Im stunned you are studying full time and they arent on your case. however this more than constitutes prep for future work and its really good youre trying to help yourself.  Lets put it another way study for something worthwhile or go to endless useless gvt subcontractors courses? on cv writing (roll eyes) 
    Your wc is an .... youre doing MORE than enough, and not expected to work at all.. complain and get rid of this over zealous wc, probably wanting to hit a target and get a bonus.
    You could get a little volunteering for a few hours a week in the summer, choose a few hours of something that will provide some therapy( animal work etc) and respite (part of self care) for you at the same time, sounds like you need to take things easy for the summer. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    hyancinth said:
    Hi Maria
    LCW is work prep not work, not at all in any way. In fact Im stunned you are studying full time and they arent on your case. 
    Some full time students can still claim UC depending on their circumstances. For example, if you're responsible for a child, which the OP Is based on their previous threads. Or if you've been found to have LCW/LCWRA and claiming a disability benefit such as PIP/ADP/DLA. See link.universal-credit-and-students

    Student maintenance loans will affect the amount of UC you're entitled to, even if you decide not to take that loan. 
  • MariaJ83
    MariaJ83 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    I am scared that if I ask for different work coach I will be refused and the current one will know and torment me even more. This is really horrible because I'm struggling so much already as it is, with everything on my head. Either volunteering or working is beyond my capabilities. If I had ANY free time at all I'd like to finally rest and take care of my own needs. I haven't had any form of entertainment since October, haven washed my hair in 3 weeks, haven't changed my bedsheets since xmas and so on... I have no time for this because piling up responsibilities overwhelm me. I am just one person. With autism. Unable to multitask. Trying to manage a house, 2 kids, disabled husband and studies. I am already really trying the hardest I can and barely surviving day to day. I have no more to give. I need support, not more on my plate. Not only there is no support in any form, the safety net that UC was supposed to be for vulnerable people like me is actually a noose around a neck. Horrible what this country became...
  • hyancinth
    hyancinth Online Community Member Posts: 78 Empowering
    I can feel your circumstances. Youre trying to do the best you can and think ahead too which is a hard task by itself. You dont need any interference. 
    At least with volunteering, you choose, you go when you can. Youre LCW and you do what you  can and when you can. They shouldnt expect more from you than this task of studying youve gone for. 
    How are you managing when the kids are off and you are? Isnt that good enough?
    They will not tell your work coach, sit and write some incidents or examples down on this pushy person., word it their speak. Uncomfortable, struggle, awkward, personal, exacerbate, 

  • MariaJ83
    MariaJ83 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    hyancinth said:
    How are you managing when the kids are off and you are? Isnt that good enough?

    I'm afraid i don't understand this question about managing. You mean when I'm off uni and my kids are off school and nursery? If that's the question then my answer is I manage worse. My 3yo is constantly ill so he is actually off all the time. He is currently home 2 weeks with chicken pox (that he already had last year but apparently you can have it twice). My daughter is another person that requires my care and attention so if i got them both at halfterm it is very hard. Both children with suspected autism but no diagnosis yet. As for me, when I'm off school I'm much worse. I hate being trapped at home with everything on my head and literally zero time for my own needs. It affects my physical and mental health very negatively. I need food and rest. I need silence, own space etc so I can self-regulate my emotions, process sensory overload or stim. I don't have that at home if my kids are there. I feel so much happier on campus. I have my own studio space. I have empty library. There is silence, I can focus on just one task, Im not constantly distracted, I can focus on what actually interests me. On top of that I have warm free food in refectory and time to eat it undisturbed. While at home I have no time to make myself a meal and if I'm lucky to make myself one i usually eat it when my 3yo is finally off my back, sleeping, so its evening and food is cold and dried. I usually have no food at all until 4-5pm, not by choice of course, Im starving all day. But my 3yo takes all my attention throughout the day and I cant do anything for myself because I cant multitask/divide my attention. So I'm not sure how to answer question "Isn't that good enough?" because me being off uni isn't good for me at all...
  • hyancinth
    hyancinth Online Community Member Posts: 78 Empowering
    isnt that good enough for them...I mean work coach /jc. That you have enough to do as it is, cant fit work prep in etc with kids off.

    I think theyre joking about this. If you study youre putting in more hours tan needed anyway. Get advice before you see them. find out how many hours work prep you are suppose dto do in a week.

    I do 2 days x 2 hrs and an occasional other for a few hours they dont ever push any more. I found my own things, like you. Yuuve got a dodgy coach.
  • MariaJ83
    MariaJ83 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    You do just 4h a week of prep work? Wow, I thought they want like 30h or so... Who do I ask or where I can find out to know how many hours a week of prep work is enough?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    MariaJ83 said:
    You do just 4h a week of prep work? Wow, I thought they want like 30h or so... Who do I ask or where I can find out to know how many hours a week of prep work is enough?
    Your  commitments and what is expected of you will be down to your work coach and everyone is different. If your youngest child is under 1 then even with LCW you should have no commitments. 

    You will not be expected to look for work because you have LCW and those that have this are not expected to look for work. I can't see that you would be expected to prepare for work for 30 hours per week, that is is a little ridiculous. If you were a job seeker then it would be different but you are not. 

  • hyancinth
    hyancinth Online Community Member Posts: 78 Empowering
    If youre not well mh or ph how could you be expected to prep for work the same amount of time youd be expected to search for work as a job seeker??.  That doesnt make any sense.  I know I cant. I cant even stand the little bits I do. The travelling wrecks me before I get there, usually in a bad mood and withdrawn before I start. 
    I think the idea of work prep is
    1. so you do get the chance to learn, keep toe in outside world, keep up social skills, keep a pinch of routine, try new paths but not all week! 
    2. for them to say one day that you CAN travel/socialise/work because your work prep showed you can, sneaky. Its catch 22, if you dont do something=sanction if you do= difficult explaining you cant anymore.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    hyancinth said:
     how could you be expected to prep for work the same amount of time youd be expected to search for work as a job seeker??.  That doesnt make any sense.  
    I don't think I said that you would be expected to do that. I have advised many times in the thread that when you have LCW you are NOT expected to look for work.