Anyone Had A Toenail Removed?

Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 582 Empowering
Ok its a bit random I know, plus I couldn't find a category for it.

Due to have the big toe removed but honestly its freaking me out. Now I have had several major operations over the years including having my kidney out but this, this is just getting to me.

So I am not bothered about the actual procedure, its afterwards. How painful is it after you have had it done, once the anesthetic has worn off? They say change the dressing each day, is it painful when you take the bandages off etc?

Thanks for any insight


  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    I can't answer for sure but I lost a fingernail after having an accident where I cut the end of my finger almost completely off

    It was actually quite painless underneath, you could touch it and stuff, but thinking about it that was probably because I severed the nerves so I couldn't feel anything anyway

    I know people sometimes lose the nails on their smaller toes just while going about life without any real issues
  • kreacher
    kreacher Online Community Member Posts: 253 Empowering
    i have had both big toe nails removed (2 seperate occasions), i found the op more painful than afterwardsm they only numb the toes they are operating on. i watched them do it. When they inject you with stuff to numb the area thats the painful bit.

    after the op wear open toed sandals as trainers or shoes would hurt, changing the dressing isn't that hard but at the time my mum changed mine as she was a chiropodist.

    when showering have a bag wrapped round your foot as you mustn't get it wet for the first few days

    does that answer you questions? i hope it does
  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 582 Empowering
    Many thanks both. I think its just a psychological thing, any type of nail just freaks me out lol