Worsening of health condition - UC failed to act

AliStubbs2 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi, I would appreciate any advice anyone could give me regarding my current situation 

I had a health assessment for UC and was put in the LCW group in 2019. I have a long term mental health condition and have been under doctors care and on medication since 2002. I have been able to manage it in the past and work, but it started to worsen in 2019, limiting my ability to work hence the health assessment. 

I believe this was correct at the time, as I was struggling but could manage some work activity at that time. 

In May 2022, my health condition deteteriorated and I was unable to work at all. I told UC via my journal and changed my employment status to unable to work. I also sent several journal messages saying how much my condition had worsened so much that I was suicidal and in severe distress. UC ignored this and were still sending me jobcentre appointments. I didn't attend and stated my reasoning as my worsening health. These were all approved absences, so no sanctions.

In Jan 2023 I had to move back home with my parents as I was/am so unwell and can't work or really look after myself. I also let UC know this via my journal.

The saga of appointments has continued and I have had a few phone appointments where I have made my work coach aware of how bad my health is. It was only in January 2024 that she said she thinks I should be in the LCWRA group, and sent me a new health assessment form. I sent this back and it was received on 12th Feb. 2.5 months later, I have still not heard anything back. I have called the assessment centre and it is still 'in review'.

I just feel completely let down, and that one of my work coaches should have stepped in in 2022 when I let them know my condition had worsened to an ongoing suicidal state and I couldn't work at all - and they should have suggested I be re-assessed then, not nearly 2 years later?

I am wondering if I would have any basis for a claim against UC/DWP and if it is worth submitting a formal complaint? 

Would be grateful for any advice as to where I might stand with this.


  • TheManFromLondon
    TheManFromLondon Community member Posts: 330 Empowering
    edited April 24
    You stated that you are suicidal since then and nobody did anything?

    Please consider reaching to @Community_Scope if you need support.
  • AliStubbs2
    AliStubbs2 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Yes correct. In my journal I stated on 3 separate occasions that I was suicidal and nothing done

    Thanks I am a little better now living back at home. But do feel wronged by the 'system'
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    As you are still waiting for the decision on the WCA then I’d advise you to wait for that before doing anything else. 

    Once the decision is made If found to have LCWRA and they don’t agree to backdate to an earlier date then put in a complaint. 
  • AliStubbs2
    AliStubbs2 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you for the advice @poppy123456.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    You’re welcome.
  • TheManFromLondon
    TheManFromLondon Community member Posts: 330 Empowering
    Yes correct. In my journal I stated on 3 separate occasions that I was suicidal and nothing done

    Thanks I am a little better now living back at home. But do feel wronged by the 'system'
    Good to hear you are better. Yeah, that system is a hell of a tester isnt it? I hope it all be resolved soon, and simple.