About the PM's (Sunak's) speech: Stop demonising us



  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 689 Pioneering

    Until they change the voting system no matter how many votes the smaller parties get doesn't result in MPs. Can't see Labour or tory changing it. Ukip got 4 million votes that one time and didn't get a single Mp.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,469 Championing

    The Greens aren't in this to govern! They seek to influence and hold to account ministers of the main parties as Caroline Lucas did brilliantly and effectively with a single seat in Parliament, for 14 years until last month 💚

    The Green Party of England and Wales is targeting 4 constituencies in this GE.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    God its so overwhelming what to do where to turn whats the future for us all its cruel really cruel the psychology impact on top off severe mental health problems I want to run somewhere but it's a Black hole n

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,469 Championing
    edited June 2024

    As an older person, my life is mostly behind me. We have universal suffrage because others fought for our right to vote. We in turn should consider prospects for the younger generations and that must include climate change!!!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing
    edited June 2024

    Yh that's me I think labour will carry all tories ideas on

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    Yes has the humiliation of pip assessments the lies they tell its horrific they take away dignity lay yourself bare to be stomped all over it traumatising psychology damaging on top of all over mental health issues now this how are we meant to keep pushing through this its unbearable all over again now reform getting load of votes I just want to run away from it all

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    I hit the roof all the lies I had fire then I feel broken down scared god I wish as millions of us do I feel vulnerable terror striken I couldn't do homeless I think people who do are warriors I was holding onto labours manifesto trying to keep it together feel drained tired sick of thinking feeling I hope and prey we will all be OK and labour see us !!!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    I know human rights investigation form 2021 -2024 but not asking claimants how are you coping I'm struggling

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing


  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,469 Championing
    edited June 2024

    SummerLove, from what I'm reading will Keir Starmer be blamed for the harmful welfare reforms in operation because he will not be able to stop the UC acceleration? Or am I misreading this? He opposed benefits cuts, consistently. He wasn't in charge of his party in 2015 when they were voted in.

    I've no idea how many disabled people voted Tory for the past 14 years or didn't use their vote or abandoned Labour over Iraq and helped them that way… I just know I wasn't one of them.

    The Labour Party created The Welfare State, the NHS, the Child Poverty Act, Tax Credits…

    The Conservative Party has spent the last 14 years dismantling public services and social security.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    Can he stop migration if he wanted ?

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,469 Championing
    edited June 2024

    I don't believe so. This is a rogue department. Sorry that sounds dramatic, Catherine.

    DWP is responsible for the Windrush scandal and how ignored must those affected feel now?

  • Amaya_Ringo
    Amaya_Ringo Online Community Member Posts: 247 Pioneering

    My assessment report is peculiar because it notes down a lot of the things I raised and then ends most sections with, but I think x can do this so I am awarding no points. If what you just quoted is accurate, maybe I've been criticising the assessor unfairly all this time. Sad stuff though.

    One of the biggest issues for us in this is how parties are conflating all the benefits when we all know and claim differently depending on what our needs are. Some have ESA, some don't, some PIP, some don't, some UC, and so on. So when they lump it all together like it's one thing, how are we meant to understand the impact?

    It would be nice to see them speak to us and include us but it so rarely happens. Someone commented above about disabled people not being at the table. Imagine if that happened with other diversity positions…it just wouldn't be accepted. But at present the head of the DWP is an economist committed to budget cuts, with no knowledge of welfare or disabilities. Rather like employing a bus driver who can't swim as a pool lifeguard…

    I have my postal vote as of yesterday. I've had paperwork from my incumbent Tory and from the local Labour candidate, who I didn't think was credible but seems to be pushing their case. Waiting for the Lib and Greens. If Reform deliver anything to me it will go in the shredder. I agree that as a protest vote it's a scary choice, especially as a disabled person. They want to take us out of the ECHR, which as disabled people, we need more than most.

    Libs are also positive on the disability front, albeit I didn't see them talking about raising benefits specifically.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    I'm dreading it no good so dyslexic filling forms even asking for help I find impossible I was so relaxed thinking 2028 why you think he brought it forward

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    She'd be another Margaret thatcher

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    It's shocking absolutely shocking how they get away with this !! So thier going after us all now the ones that survived the barbaric inhumane treatment directed at us sickening to the core something has to be done I don't know about you but I will be made homeless loss everything I just don't have the capability to work it's really as simple as that if I did I wouldn't be caught in this torturous system not knowing the future never having peace of mind wondering when my time comes I have no family friends say thier there for you but if it happened be no where to be seen so done with the cruelty

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    So you have to pay to take them to court

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 689 Pioneering


    Found this so we can email Kier Starmer about concerns. If a lot of us do , he hopefully take it in consideration even though he may not able to do everything at once due to the mess , we in.but hopefully we will get treated fairly instead of 2nd rate which the tories treat us

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    Sent email and I will do everyday thankyou

  • aagirl84
    aagirl84 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 10 Connected

    The poster is in keeping of how those of us who struggle and the government rhetoric of late, unfortunately 😕

    Got a 7th assessment for disability benefits imminent and the way , IAS treats those who change assessments from phone to F2F is nothing short of punitive, full of bureaucratic nonsense and red tape

    So many others stressor anyway as we all have, and then this on top , plus a unrelenting worry of bring disallowed, Mandatory reconsideration, and inevitable ESA assessment, forced on to UC, exhausted, disillusioned, and despairing, hope everyone is doing as ok as they can