About the PM's (Sunak's) speech: Stop demonising us



  • ThundyUK
    ThundyUK Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Bingo said:
    luvpink said:
    Bingo said:
    luvpink said:
    Bingo said:
    judie said:
    Bingo said:
    luvpink said:
    Bingo said:
    This is truly shocking. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn0ry09d50wo

    The only saving grace is I assume / hope this government will be out on its ear before they can implement such an horrendous change.
    Yes its extremely worrying times.

    I get pip higher rate for both components but not for mental health issues, although I do have extreme anxiety and agoraphobia which I listed on the application form.
    The assessor focused purely on my physical issues and asked nothing at at all about mental health even though I supplied evidence and detailed the impact it has on my lack of ability to function.
    On the news this afternoon they seemed to suggest that the focus Sunak was taking was on Pip for Mental Health disability.  Thats even more shocking when you think about it. Just look at the upset its caused in this community. 
    Last time there was a crackdown like this on the disabled and mentally unwell they sent them all to the gas chamber. Sunak's rhetoric is beyond disgusting 

    Well I am guessing and hoping him and the Tories will be out on their ears before they can implement any of their evil plans.  Sorry if this is political but ill take a wild guess that they don't have many supporters on here.  :D
    The Tories will be out but I don't believe Labour will be any better.
    They have kept very quite about all of this and I have no idea what their policies on disability and benefits are.

    I think Labour are keeping quiet on a lot of things from Brexit to Benefits. They wont want to give the Tories and the media any ammunition because one things for sure like cornered rats the Tories and the media will fight their dirtiest battle ever this year.  I'm pretty sure under Starmer we will stand a much better chance of being looked after than we will over the current lot. Admin delete this if inappropriate but it is kind of relevant. 
    If Labour don't state what their intended policies are, how do they expect people to vote for them?

    Manifestos for all parties are never released until not long before the election but all parties have what they class as mission statements.  Labour's is here  https://labour.org.uk/missions/

    I should point out I have no affiliation with the Labour party. In fact I am ashamed to say I actually worked on and off for the Tories in the 90s.  I did get an insight into what "some" of them were like though.  

    They weren't always this bad, no shame needed. Not that they, or any political party, can be seen as "good" in my view nowadays or even in recent history.
  • Bingo
    Bingo Online Community Member Posts: 73 Contributor
    ThundyUK said:
    Bingo said:
    luvpink said:
    Bingo said:
    luvpink said:
    Bingo said:
    judie said:
    Bingo said:
    luvpink said:
    Bingo said:
    This is truly shocking. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn0ry09d50wo

    The only saving grace is I assume / hope this government will be out on its ear before they can implement such an horrendous change.
    Yes its extremely worrying times.

    I get pip higher rate for both components but not for mental health issues, although I do have extreme anxiety and agoraphobia which I listed on the application form.
    The assessor focused purely on my physical issues and asked nothing at at all about mental health even though I supplied evidence and detailed the impact it has on my lack of ability to function.
    On the news this afternoon they seemed to suggest that the focus Sunak was taking was on Pip for Mental Health disability.  Thats even more shocking when you think about it. Just look at the upset its caused in this community. 
    Last time there was a crackdown like this on the disabled and mentally unwell they sent them all to the gas chamber. Sunak's rhetoric is beyond disgusting 

    Well I am guessing and hoping him and the Tories will be out on their ears before they can implement any of their evil plans.  Sorry if this is political but ill take a wild guess that they don't have many supporters on here.  :D
    The Tories will be out but I don't believe Labour will be any better.
    They have kept very quite about all of this and I have no idea what their policies on disability and benefits are.

    I think Labour are keeping quiet on a lot of things from Brexit to Benefits. They wont want to give the Tories and the media any ammunition because one things for sure like cornered rats the Tories and the media will fight their dirtiest battle ever this year.  I'm pretty sure under Starmer we will stand a much better chance of being looked after than we will over the current lot. Admin delete this if inappropriate but it is kind of relevant. 
    If Labour don't state what their intended policies are, how do they expect people to vote for them?

    Manifestos for all parties are never released until not long before the election but all parties have what they class as mission statements.  Labour's is here  https://labour.org.uk/missions/

    I should point out I have no affiliation with the Labour party. In fact I am ashamed to say I actually worked on and off for the Tories in the 90s.  I did get an insight into what "some" of them were like though.  

    They weren't always this bad, no shame needed. Not that they, or any political party, can be seen as "good" in my view nowadays or even in recent history.
    Agreed. There were some good people. Sadly Johnson binned off a lot of them or they jumped ship. Its what this country needs though in all parties. Good people that genuinely want to make a difference for us not just themselves and their cronies. The current political scene as sadly the mood of the country is toxic.  Still the suns going to shine tomorrow I believe!! A day out me thinks!! :)
  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 47 Contributor
    Hello. I am new to this forum and never really write posts as I am not a computer person. I just really feel for everyone who has written on here about all the anxiety this is causing.

    I was recently, very thankfully awarded higher rate PIP for both physical and MH problems, and after finally getting through that soul destroying, horrendous process it feels like it could now just get ripped away again. Since this was announced last week my anxiety has been through the roof and my physical problems have been made a lot worse. The last few days I have just had to stay in bed and have hardly been able to move.

    Also, I am terrified for my eldest son who is 24 and has autism and schizophrenia. I have been battling the system and banging my head against a brick wall for him pretty much his whole life. Now I am just too ill to do it anymore. He spent the last four years in and out of various mental health hospitals with psychosis. Twice he was discharged to street-homelessness whilst still very ill with the psychosis. He wouldn't let me help him for fear of "them" knowing where he was and putting him back in hospital again, so he spent a couple of months each time living rough until he got picked up by the police again. I was a wreck and now have ptsd attacks at night because of it, on top of everything else. I did not even know if he would survive. His social worker told me that even though he was still ill, once he became the least ill in hospital, and they needed the bed, they would discharge him. What sort of help/therapy is that? The whole system is broken and completely heartless when it becomes normal to discharge ill people to the street who could be a danger to themselves and others.

    After more battles he is now in a rehabilitation hospital. He only has up to a year to be there and has already done four months. I am absolutely dreading what will happen when he is discharged, especially with all this going on. He is not going to be able to just get a job! I know even now he has a work coach phoning him periodically, and although there is no pressure at this time, what will happen when he is discharged? As he is finally a little more on an even keel, I don't want a load of pressure and stress to send him back to square one again as he suffers terribly with anxiety at the best of times.

    This barbaric government has no idea about the realities and struggles of living with mental health and any disabilities in the real world, especially when any so called services have been cut to next to nothing. They also have no idea of the devastating impact and knock-on effect on families and loved ones....and now they want to take the little bit of support which helps us towards surviving and trying to have a little normality in life. I am at a point now when I have nothing left to battle with....for my son or me, and I fear if I go down both my sons will too, as we only really have each other.
  • esther71
    esther71 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Meg24 said:
    I'm concerned that you have said "disabled people and people living with MH conditions" as if we are not disabled, which is exactly what Sunak & Co. are saying. 

    The official definition of Disabled includes people with MH conditions however it's often dismissed, sometimes by physically disabled people, some of whom display hostility towards us & question our right to disability benefits and services. 

    I don't want them to uss us against each other, we need to fight alongside, with mutual respect and validation. 

    Please consider changing your wording to make it inclusive, thanks.
    Thanks for your comment @meg24! You raise a great point. 

    We of course agree that the umbrella of disability covers mental health conditions. And that many people with mental health conditions identify as disabled. 

    My colleague included a distinction in this case to ensure we're inclusive of people with mental health conditions who don't identify as disabled.
    that may have been the intent but it's VERY harmful and perpetuates and supports the Tory rhetoric that people with mental health conditions aren't disabled. 

    Which is EXACTLY what this whole proposal has been about.

    I'm actually really disappointed and feel further alienated by Scope supporting Tory wording on this. 

    I hope that makes sense 🙂 We certainly didn't intend to cause any upset. And I really appreciate the time you've taken to feed back. We often use language like 'including x group', and we'll be sure to bear this in mind for future communications. I'll share your feedback with some more colleagues, too. 

    I don't buy it, you'd never say "disabled people and people living with cerebal palsy" or "disabled people and those that use a wheelchair" or "disabled people and those that are deaf" and lots of people in those categories don't identify as disabled either.
  • esther71
    esther71 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Meg24 said:
    I'm concerned that you have said "disabled people and people living with MH conditions" as if we are not disabled, which is exactly what Sunak & Co. are saying. 

    The official definition of Disabled includes people with MH conditions however it's often dismissed, sometimes by physically disabled people, some of whom display hostility towards us & question our right to disability benefits and services. 

    I don't want them to uss us against each other, we need to fight alongside, with mutual respect and validation. 

    Please consider changing your wording to make it inclusive, thanks.

    I agree with this so much! I actually feel quite hurt they've worded it this way
  • ThundyUK
    ThundyUK Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    There's a lot of talk about fairness to the taxpayer etcetera and getting those people out of work back to work. But how's it going to affect those who do work, pay tax, and get PIP? If someone is a "worker" are they not a "target" then?
  • mrsBB
    mrsBB Online Community Member Posts: 87 Empowering
    rebel11 said:
    Just saw James from Scope being interviewed on Sky news, put a good case across, 'slammed' the PM.
    Is there any kind of link for this please ? I would like to watch if possible, thank you. 
  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,098 Trailblazing
    I do not believe that any political party will be supportive of disabled people.
    If it were the case they would be shouting from the roof tops in disgust of these proposals.
    To me their silence says it all that in some way they agree with it but they just do not want to admit it with a general election looming 
  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 679 Pioneering
    So who can reply to the green paper ? Is it just mps or can disability groups . I'm concerned about taking cash payments away. Especially with the cost of living crisis. Its alright for him multi millionaire.
    So he's OK to send 500 million to Ukraine though. 
  • ThundyUK
    ThundyUK Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 264 Empowering
    Anyone can reply to the green paper. You can do it through your MP and all the disability charities and advocates are preparing/have sent their views on the ridiculous plans
  • pjc
    pjc Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Andi66 said:
    So who can reply to the green paper ? Is it just mps or can disability groups . I'm concerned about taking cash payments away. Especially with the cost of living crisis. Its alright for him multi millionaire.
    So he's OK to send 500 million to Ukraine though. 
    Yes they can , I encourage you to do so. I put a link on, further up the conversation.
  • mrsBB
    mrsBB Online Community Member Posts: 87 Empowering
    I am going to fill it in tonight. I just wish, as with some types of these forms, there was an option to save responses if the form cannot be completed in one go, make life easier for me and probably others.
  • Amaya_Ringo
    Amaya_Ringo Online Community Member Posts: 247 Pioneering
    I already completed it last night. I hope every disabled person affected gets their say in. Especially those of us with invisible disabilities because we are being made more invisible by the government's wall of propaganda.
  • mrsBB
    mrsBB Online Community Member Posts: 87 Empowering
    @Tori_Scope HI Tori

    I asked earlier but think my request might get lost in the thread. Is there a link possible to watch James from Scope being interviewed on Sky news please ? I would really like to watch that. thank you. 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,677 Pioneering
    mrsBB said:
    rebel11 said:
    Just saw James from Scope being interviewed on Sky news, put a good case across, 'slammed' the PM.
    Is there any kind of link for this please ? I would like to watch if possible, thank you. 

    I watched it live, I've had a look but can't find any clips.  
  • mrsBB
    mrsBB Online Community Member Posts: 87 Empowering
    Thank you Rebel, I searched too but couldn't find anything and there are just too many clips that the search brings up. Thank you for trying. I appreciate it.
  • birdwatcher
    birdwatcher Online Community Member Posts: 108 Empowering
    I've just filled in the green paper questionnaire. That was heavy going! Just hope it helps Sunak think although I'm not holding my breath