About the PM's (Sunak's) speech: Stop demonising us



  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 679 Pioneering
    Mine too, my condition is life long one is chronic and won't get better.
    I have just filled and emailed that 39 questionnaire green paper. 
  • Middleton
    Middleton Online Community Member Posts: 146 Contributor
  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing
    edited May 2024
    I think they'd find if they asked, that we all *want to work. Who wants to be too ill to fulfill their potential? I think we need a decent level of UBI, for life once they've established your needs. Then give support to those who are able and willing to try some work. Personally I am never going to be able to do anything other than maybe occasionally sell some crafts, as long as I don't have to deal directly with people. It wouldn't be regular tho, but I'd be ok with them knocking off some money if I did, I would like to earn my own money and not be beholden to others, anyone in their right mind would! It's the Tories punitive and suspicious system that has us trapped, not our disabilities.
  • KG100
    KG100 Online Community Member Posts: 259 Empowering
    I think Labour will also look into reforming PIP and other benefits but perhaps not as much as the Tories.
    Whoever gets in, things will change, and not for the better !!
  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 47 Contributor
    Meg24 said:
    I think they'd find if they asked, that we all *want to work. Who wants to be too ill to fulfill their potential? I think we need a decent level of UBI, for life once they've established your needs. Then give support to those who are able and willing to try some work. Personally I am never going to be able to do anything other than maybe occasionally sell some crafts, as long as I don't have to deal directly with people. It wouldn't be regular tho, but I'd be ok with them knocking off some money if I did, I would like to earn my own money and not be beholden to others, anyone in their right mind would! It's the Tories punitive and suspicious system that has us trapped, not our disabilities.
    I agree with you. Who wouldn't want to fulfil their potential? I have only been granted higher rate PIP this last month and now it feels like it's just going to be ripped away again. I am racked with guilt for having to claim this money as it is, and would love to be able to work and not feel beholden to them. If everyone got a survivable level of UBI at least there would be a bit less guilt and stigma, but I can't see that happening anytime soon. It's bad enough that my son has to help me with normal day to day tasks without all this extra guilt for something which is beyond my control and the stress is making things worse. I have even thought I will just stop all the benefits altogether as I feel such a burden, but then I would literally starve and be on the street.

     If they take away the money, the loss of independence will be awful as it sounds like whenever we need anything we will have to go to the government with a begging bowl and justify our needs. I just won't be able to deal with all that so will suffer without.

     Like you, all I could really do is sell crafts or small paintings or something, but it would be extremely erratic. On top of everything else I am now very agoraphobic and can't deal with people at all. Because of things that have happened in my past I have severe trust issues. I am starting to feel like I'm drowning and just can't fight anymore.....but I suppose that is what the Tories want. They have no idea how some of us struggle in the real world. Clearly things are going to change but the only tiny hope is that Labour will be a bit kinder if they get in. 
  • Bingo
    Bingo Online Community Member Posts: 73 Contributor
    ElizaRose said:
    Bingo said:
    ElizaRose said:
    I just saw an article on MSN from The i saying "Labour to target job centres and PIP assessments to get disabled people into work". It goes on to say "Alison McGovern acknowledged that fixing the welfare system would need "big changes" if Labour got into power." This is all so distressing. I am shaking like a leaf!

    Is this what you read?  https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/other/labour-to-target-job-centres-and-pip-assessments-to-get-disabled-people-into-work/ar-AA1o0VZw

    I don't necessarily think this is Labour taking aim at PIP and disabled people the way the Tories are or would if they got the chance. It sounds more like its aimed at improving the system and giving disabled people more opportunities to work. 

    We should be aware that the media bias in this country despite MSN being centrist is in the main going to (for now at least) back the government.

    One things for sure as said previously. Who would you trust more as regards looking after the disabled? The Tories or Labour?  Having worked for the Tories in a previous life. Trust me. They do not care about the disabled, poor or the working class. 
    That's interesting that you used to work for the Tories so have first hand experience of their attitudes towards the poor, disabled and working classes. Hopefully Labour will be more about improving rather than punishing. It's just hard when you see these articles out of the blue as I constantly feel on high alert, panic mode these days.

    It was a long time ago in the 90s.  I met some high profile MPs though.  They were a completely different party to what they are now (which is much worse) but even then I saw what many of them really were like. Pretty horrible. They always reminded me of the tale of the Scorpion and the frog. 

    "A scorpion asks a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, they would both drown. Considering this, the frog agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When the frog asks the scorpion why, the scorpion replies that its my nature, its what I do" 
  • martymart
    martymart Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor
    I have signed the petition and hope it works as deemed. 
    I  taken aback of the ideology from the present Prime Minister- does he not know what people have endured throughout dealings with DWP re:PIP and the negativity which is imposed on individual people where having to let someone unknown your personal information. Yes I am registered disabled due to bilateral severe hearing loss, following severe Otis media of which PTSD, anxiety including social anxiety, depression and worse Tinnitus and Hypercusis following the lack of support with health and treatment and how treated at work only two years ago when had to leave as they treated me with disgust, even following advice from DWP workplace manager. 
    Sorry for saying above but my life is again in turmoil regarding this suggestion, please don’t panic I am receiving mental health support for cbt which have just started following a long wait 🙂
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Thanks for sharing @rubin16, sounds like your MP is quite understanding :)
  • ThundyUK
    ThundyUK Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Thanks for sharing @rubin16, sounds like your MP is quite understanding :)
    Sounds like it, but there's a clear message in there too by what is not said, and that's a commitment to step back from the current government commitment to carpet bombing PIP et al.
  • Amaya_Ringo
    Amaya_Ringo Online Community Member Posts: 247 Pioneering
    I would still rather take a chance on a government that wants to engage with disability organisations over one who wants to spread disability misinformation in the media and who clearly has no interest in what disabled people experience.

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 264 Empowering
    I filled in form here in response yet had to give all my personal details may name where I lived which is really daunting I thought it would be anyomous but by time I filled it in and pressed submit it was too late. Last thing I wanted was to express my views and them know who exactly I am. It's not like they don't punish you enough without knowing exactly who you are. So yet another thing to feel sick and anxious about just when I thought it couldn't  feel worse. 
    I'm sure I read that all answers are anonymised  so try not to worry
  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,096 Trailblazing
    judie said:
    I filled in form here in response yet had to give all my personal details may name where I lived which is really daunting I thought it would be anyomous but by time I filled it in and pressed submit it was too late. Last thing I wanted was to express my views and them know who exactly I am. It's not like they don't punish you enough without knowing exactly who you are. So yet another thing to feel sick and anxious about just when I thought it couldn't  feel worse. 
    I'm sure I read that all answers are anonymised  so try not to worry
    Your answers are anonymous but you had to submit your name and address to your MP to prove that you are a constituent.

  • ThundyUK
    ThundyUK Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Thank you both for responding that has given me some peace of mind in a whirlpool of constant anxiety. I had no idea when become disabled with MH how difficult it would be and its been quite the journey. I thought reaching out for financial help and mh services would improve my well being not put me in a constant state of anxiety. It's got so bad I think about it nearly all time now. The bombarded assessments the attitude of DWP and its assessors and general public I feel like I've got a target on my back. I feel like some big time criminal and a burden. I dont know if that's my mental health or realty  but listening to latest news from PM I'm starting to feel it's is reality and I haven't been imaging the hostility over these last few years. Worst is lossing my independence not just with disabilities but dealing with threats all time in the system and realising they are against us and stuff. I thought I was reaching out for help but all they have done is made all my symptoms milluonbtimes worse. So that's why I'm like so paranoid now with drawing attention to myself. I filled in the consultantion as best I could but judging by the types of questions and they way they are put I get feeling they have already made up their minds unless a backlash so just been raising awareness by signing petition and passing it on to others to put on Facebook to sign hoping the signatures will go up more .

    I suspect you're right, and that all decisions have been made already. It'll be a case of making the data fit the changes - ie, everyone is going to lose almost all of everything.
  • ThundyUK
    ThundyUK Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    ThundyUK said:
    Thank you both for responding that has given me some peace of mind in a whirlpool of constant anxiety. I had no idea when become disabled with MH how difficult it would be and its been quite the journey. I thought reaching out for financial help and mh services would improve my well being not put me in a constant state of anxiety. It's got so bad I think about it nearly all time now. The bombarded assessments the attitude of DWP and its assessors and general public I feel like I've got a target on my back. I feel like some big time criminal and a burden. I dont know if that's my mental health or realty  but listening to latest news from PM I'm starting to feel it's is reality and I haven't been imaging the hostility over these last few years. Worst is lossing my independence not just with disabilities but dealing with threats all time in the system and realising they are against us and stuff. I thought I was reaching out for help but all they have done is made all my symptoms milluonbtimes worse. So that's why I'm like so paranoid now with drawing attention to myself. I filled in the consultantion as best I could but judging by the types of questions and they way they are put I get feeling they have already made up their minds unless a backlash so just been raising awareness by signing petition and passing it on to others to put on Facebook to sign hoping the signatures will go up more .

    I suspect you're right, and that all decisions have been made already. It'll be a case of making the data fit the changes - ie, everyone is going to lose almost all of everything.
    I really hope it isn't case but the wording sounded to me like they have decided and just figuring out the finer details of what to put in its place I.e vouchers catalogs treatment etc etc . I explained that cash is empowering which is what those with disabilities  need the most to determine their own healthcare options and vouchers are diempowering and also there is no such thing as one off costs. You don't pay for services help one off .It's ongoing and also they were opening themselves up for legal liabilities putting themselves in place of medical experts when they clearly are not. The main issue I have was they were talking about only having a pip assessment and abolishing LWCRA on UC but if you fail pip you could also lose the healthcare element of UC which is why I think the push to get others on legacy benefits to go on UC. I'm really hoping this isn't a slippery slop in stopping any financial help in future like they say it will not affect  those already on it but what about re assessments. I know at moment it's all just consultations and we don't know outcome but isn't that the issue long drawn out consultations and not ever knowing outcomes its like mental torture . I said on it this may be an intellectual excerise for you and cost cutting but for us this is our livelihoods you are constantly messing with, and I thought its bad doing re assessments and not knowing but this this one takes the biscuit. 
    I agree entirely. The thing that is telling to me is that whilst the incumbent Conversation government is heading this up, the highly likely successive Labour government isn't taking any opportunity to take the government to task over it. So, my reading on that is, no matter what happens cuts are going to go ahead. Massive cuts.
  • ThundyUK
    ThundyUK Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    Conversation  = Conservative (silly auto correct)
  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 679 Pioneering
    I also put vouchers are demeaning 
    I don't understand the government attacking the disabled.  They wasted money on hs2, the pep contracts during covid. Giving Ukraine 500 million,  expenses on hotels.
    But no, pick on those who are suffering for no fault of there own.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    The WCA was agreed to be abolished a few years ago. Meant to happen around 2027 I believe?

    My personal thoughts are this is likely just early election campaigning, much like the Rwanda plan and others. It's demeaning people who are in need just to "look tough" and to try and make a scapegoat out of people who don't have as much of a voice. 

    I hope we can prove that wrong anyhow! 
  • ice24
    ice24 Scope Member Posts: 9 Contributor
    To be honest I don't believe petitions are going to help us. Pensioners and disabled people are some of the most vulnerable in society.  I have been on Nicky Campbell's show on radio and TV and said that we are being dehumanised.  We are not treated as humans but always the first to lose out. Politicians have no intention of helping us and many disabled people are going to be forced into unsuitable jobs which,  won't last and then be unable to go back on disability benefits of any kind. 
  • ThundyUK
    ThundyUK Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    ice24 said:
    To be honest I don't believe petitions are going to help us. Pensioners and disabled people are some of the most vulnerable in society.  I have been on Nicky Campbell's show on radio and TV and said that we are being dehumanised.  We are not treated as humans but always the first to lose out. Politicians have no intention of helping us and many disabled people are going to be forced into unsuitable jobs which,  won't last and then be unable to go back on disability benefits of any kind. 
    Honestly, I think it will be worse than just being forced into trying to do a job that's not suitable, I'm expecting a societal purge akin to pre WW2 levels or persecution.