Review finsished at last

Meredithshep Online Community Member Posts: 76 Contributor
edited April 2024 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hello, I have been anxiously reading through all the posts and thinking the worst all the time. I had a good decision today.

My Pip review papers arrived the first week of May 2023
I had a message for an assessment on the 4th of Aprl 2024 which was a 2.5 hour telephone assessment. It did feel like an interrogation and I was left feeling that it hadn't gone well at all.

17th April got a we've made a decision text

Today the 25th of April the dreaded letter arrived, it was a positive outcome. My pip went from Standard on both to enhanced on both. 

It was not backdated and bizzarly the new rate is from the 17th of April, the date of the decision. I am relieved though and happy that I won't need to do a review again for a while, it was a 3 year award. Had it been backdated the next review forms would be on the way again a year sooner too. 

I was absolutely convnced that my award would end following the assessment. I did not put in a change of circumstances as the review papers arrived before I had chance and was also suffering a bereavement. I'm not sure that it's a fair way to review people with the huge delays as some get backpay and others don't, for me however I can now relax a little and get on with trying to get better. 

It's scary having a review and for a year like so many others I have felt on edge waiting, the stress that disabled people are put through is awful. 


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,629 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hey there @Meredithshep and welcome to the community!

    I'm so glad to hear you finally got your reward sorted, I myself am waiting for my review (For over a year now) so I totally understand the worry. The waiting really is the worst part!
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,629 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Thanks @TheManFromLondon I appreciate it. :)  I know it's out of my hands now and I'm used to tribunals, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed it wont go that far. :) 
  • Meredithshep
    Meredithshep Online Community Member Posts: 76 Contributor
    Thank you for the lovely welcome, I hope you get your review over with soon and a favourable result too.