Need some advice please

Rainz Community member Posts: 4 Listener
Hello so I am hoping someone can advise me on what if anything I can do about my situation with pip..

bit of history I am a 42 year old female and was accepted for enhanced daily living but no mobility back in 2014 due to issues with cancer and mental health. Over the years my health has gotten increasing worse, some due to the cancer, some with other physical issues. In 2020 just after the start of Covid I had my first pip review over the phone. My award was changed to standard daily living and standard mobility. I never questioned it as just assumed they knew best. 

May 2023 I had another review but this time a form to fill in which I had help from the CAB as my health had gotten worse again, as well as another cancer diagnose which left me with a stoma. I then had a telephone assessment in march this year for that review and today was informed they have stopped my pip all together as apparently my original claim was a 10 year award (I didn’t know this at the time to be honest I am not great with forms and things like that)

so does anyone know where I go from here? Can I reapply? I have heard about a reconsideration that I can do but can I actually do that? Or is that the end of that? :( thank you for reading and for any advice 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,736 Championing
    If you had a review in 2020 then your original claim couldn't have been a 10 year award, although they can review you at anytime it rarely happens. 

    Regardless that's irrelevant now anyway. I'd advise you to request the Mandatory Reconsideration on the decision not to award you PIP this time. If you start a new claim using the same evidence you used for this review then you could be refused again. The best route is to always challenge the decision. 

    You will need to put the request in writing stating where and why you think you should have scored those points. Please do not ring them to request it. 
  • Rainz
    Rainz Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Thank you for taking the time to reply Poppy, much appreciated. 

    I am just confused by it all. My anxiety is through the roof. I just don’t understand why they asked for me to fill in review forms may last year and then just ended my award as they said on the phone when I asked them “your award reached the end of the 10 year period”. Like why did they bother asking for a review, 10 months later have a phone assessment and then 6-7 weeks later just end the award. They did say they would be sending me a letter saying the award ended so guess I will just wait for that to arrive. 

    Ironically 2 months ago universal credit put me in the LCWRA category. Feels like I’m one step forward and 2 steps back :(