Pip decision letter

Borg Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi all, 
Back in 2014 i had an acident and ended up breaking my pelvis fairly bad and had plates/pins in the front and rear of my pelvis, after a long stay in hospital and lots of pain i ended up discharged - still very limited movement and on crutches - anyhows i applied for esa, went to my assesment on crutches with metal staples holding my scars together and got refused - it eventually got overturned after tribunal. Fast forward a while my esa claim ended and i went onto jsa (i had no fight in me to go through the whole esa thing and assesments again after all when i was on crutches and fresh out of hospital they basically said i was fit for work so this put me off ever bothering) fast forward a few years after many different job roles (always ended up leaving or sacked due to my pain/days off etc) and trying to lead as normal life as possible ive come to a point were ive accepted il never be as i once was and the pain will never go away i just have to try manage it - i now work part time retail and still have days off due to pain but as far as jobs go this is probably the most suited role for myself, ive never been lazy i get severe pain but im still trying and always will (my employer works with occo health and has been supportive) - as above i had a severe pelvic fracture - i feel the older im getting the worst the whole thing is affecting me in general, things like arthritis are getting worse in my pelvis as the years pass and in general im not a young lad anymore im struggling to manage my pain/condition so i applied for pip late december. 
Ive just had my decision form back and its missing a whole lot about how my condition affects me - some things i told the lady on the phone are completely missing off my letter - ive rung for a mandatory reconsideration but wasnt asked if id like to add/amend to what my report/decision says - i told her i had issues with my bladder due to my pelvic floor - although shes noted this, further in the report shes added that "she feels i dont have any incontencne issues at all" despite the major trauma in the area and her recognising i may have issues in the other part of the report.
Shes also completely missed other things out like how it affects me socially, no mention of arthritis or nerve damage in the whole report. 

Can anyone please advise how best to get further info added/rectified? As i said no one had asked anything of me on this mandatory condition and i feel due to the write up this re consideration will also be declined to the lack of information.

Any other advice anyone can give to aid my claim? 
Also has anyone got a similar condition and has had issues claiming pip/esa? Really feel im just experiencing the headache i did when i tried for esa all those years back. 

Thanks all for any advice/support.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You really should put the MR request in writing because when you ring to request it how do you know that they are typing what you've asked them to type. 

    When putting it in writing you should state where and why you think you should have scored those points. When you filled out the form if you didn't include a couple of real world examples of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each descriptor that applies to you, you should do that now. Adding detailed information such as where you were, what exactly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were. 

    Don't focus too much on the decision letter or the report (if you have a copy of that) doing either of those is not going to get you a PIP award. 

    The most likely outcome of the MR will be the decision remains the same. Only about 23% of them change at this stage. You can then proceed to Tribunal where if you either appear in person or have a telephone/video hearing there's about a 70% success rate. 

  • Borg
    Borg Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thanks for the reply - i shall do just that - i fully understand a MR may result in another failed decision, and the likelyhood is this maybe a tribunal job like last time, out of interest how long does the tribunal stage take this day and age? I understand it will probably be some months now before anythings sorted now.
    Thanks again
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    From when you request the Tribunal it could be as long as 10 months for a hearing date.