Trying to not worry about the proposed changes

Broreb1981 Online Community Member Posts: 190 Contributor
edited April 2024 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Worry and stress make my conditions worse. I have Schizoaffective bipolar disorder, CRPS and fibromyalgia. I've been waiting since before covid for a CPN. I waited over a year to start therapy for CRPS and get no help for fibromyalgia. None of my conditions will benefit from vouchers or home adaptions so does that mean I will get no money. Will they take my car off me. I can't use public transport. So I'm trapped in my home, are they saying I'm not entitled to go to the coast or to visit museums or I have to get a taxi everywhere and get a receipt. I'm not sure that would work. My help comes solely from my partner and family, no one gets carers allowence. I have to manage my conditions myself, with medication, psychiatrist input, pain clinic input, help from family and nothing else. I can't see how pip money can be stopped entirely and moved to vouchers etc it wouldn't work. I'm not going to make myself poorly worrying about this, we have no idea what it actually means or if it will ever happen. I'm sorry if this offends some people but I do agree that some people play the system and these people I feel are the ones that have made it hard for genuine people who desperately need help to get the help they need. 


  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 366 Trailblazing
    We don't know is the short answer. We can take bets on what's most likely but all we can really do it to do our part to try to prevent it. So that means, using our vote when the time comes, and replying to the green paper consultation.

    The DWP is a department that will still exist as it does even if the government changes and have considerable influence over policy, so it's important that we engage with the consultation so the information is there for future policy makers, even if we do suspect that really it's mainly a ploy by the government to get us to hate each other. 

    Believe it or not, I have already seen some disabled people who think they are safe from this, proposing that certain other groups of disabled people 'are the problem' and maybe they shouldn't get benefits anyway on the grounds that they are 'not as in need' This is a very slippery slope, we have no idea who is lying, much as I would have no idea of your level of need if I met you in the street. 

    Once we start pointing the finger at each other, it gives the whole thinh legitimacy. They want us to fight amongst ourselves. And of course, they won't stop with the mentally ill, they'll march it right on through to everyone else too.

    Yes there is some fraud, but that really isn't what we should be focussing on because that helps them to justify what they are doing, which is to punish us all, regardless of potential need.