New pip rules - can’t stop worrying

rav78 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
edited May 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I’m so stressed about all of the media coverage of the changes to pip. I know that nobody really knows that’s going to happen, not what are peoples hunches? Will claims remain as they are until the review? Or will some of us suddenly have the pip rug pulled from beneath us?


  • hyancinth
    hyancinth Online Community Member Posts: 78 Empowering
    I dont know why this gvt has suddenly and it is fast(amazing what they can do when they want it) launched this attack on pip and hes gone blabbermouth with it, going way over the top. Like hes trying to frighten the beep outta y'all. No one saw this coming. Is it an evil custers last stand thing? Coz he knows he loathed? 
    I cant see how theyll muster up 'vouchers' what type, what businesses, what for? Are these businesses going to have to wait for payments as per dwp speed ? I think hes overmicrodosed on this one hes gone gaga. 
    ps I dont get pip but yes Id be worried , all this time no ones questioned what people do with it and bam. 
    Each MP has about about 200k for expenses (aside their salary)and its cash so that needs serious overhaul, start on that Sunakered.
    Maybe its just another case of look over there, diversion tactics. 
  • hyancinth
    hyancinth Online Community Member Posts: 78 Empowering
    BTW I just checked 12bn to ukraine in 2 yrs, another half a billion just promised the other day, looks like the uk disabled indigenous are paying for military and another country. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    hyancinth said:
    BTW I just checked 12bn to ukraine in 2 yrs, another half a billion just promised the other day, looks like the uk disabled indigenous are paying for military and another country. 
    I'm sorry but I think it's wrong that you bring the war in Ukraine into it. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be living over there right now or what it would be like if I had loved ones over there.  :(
  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 198 Contributor
    I had to leave my job of 16 years last year due to an accident resulting in a crps diagnosis. I also have Schizoaffective bipolar disorder, I struggled with work my whole life. I was constantly tired, stressed, anxious and felt like life was not worth living. Since leaving work, even though I'm struggling with CRPS my mental health is much better. I'm so much more happier, less stressed can enjoy things in life again. But I need PIP, ESA is not enough to live on and I don't qualify for any other benefits. PIP helps pay my bills which in turn is helping me manage my condition because I had no life when I was working, it was miserable. I have help with daily living from family and I like to be able to take them for a coffee or lunch to say thank you for their help. I do crafts to help my conditions, when I can, I swim or go for a massage to help my conditions. I sometimes need extra heating due to being inactive when in pain and home all day. I need a cleaner and sometimes home delivery for shopping. I can't use public transport, and the thought of being in a taxi on my own with a stranger fills me with dread, so I will give family petrol money for taking me places. I also want to be able to go with family to the coast for the day or to a show, it helps me to feel part of the community. PIP enables me to feel human, I can choose when and what I spend that money on. I'm not stashing it all away or going in holiday every other month. Why should I have to ask the government if what I'm going to spend my money on is allowed before I do it so I can then give them a receipt to claim the money back. We don't all have spare money to pay up front. Surely that is not allowed by law. How on earth could they manage the amount of receipts they would be getting each day. How would a voucher system work, every business in the country would need to sign up. Would we have to apply for a voucher. What on earth is this catalogue system all about, you can sometimes get grab rails etc from your council and sometimes occupational therapist arrange for these things but again there is not enough staff to help everyone when they need it and not quickly enough. Would people keep their mobility cars. We as a country don't have enough staff now to help everyone that needs it so how on earth can they say some people will be given therapy. Firstly they need to fix the NHS staffing issues and get the waiting lists back down then re assess. I just can't see that what they are proposing is going to work, it seems to me like they have not really thought it through before making the announcement. 
  • ernie2009
    ernie2009 Online Community Member Posts: 180 Empowering
    i think we should all calm down as no one knows whats going to happen even if it does. on another thread on this forum one member states its not going to happen if it does untill 2028/2029 and even then for new pip applicants. just slow down a little all of us because it might not even happen anyway so then a lot of stress about nothing 
  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 234 Empowering
    Agreed. Changes - if and when they occur - would apply to new claimants first ( as will be the case with the WCA changes ) and not immediately retrofitted to current claims. 

    PIP in its current form would then be seen as a legacy benefit and a transitioning would take place over time - much like the move from DLA to PIP during the last decade or so.

    I feel it's all a long way off but then again ...

  • Ramonica
    Ramonica Online Community Member Posts: 59 Contributor
    hyancinth said:
    BTW I just checked 12bn to ukraine in 2 yrs, another half a billion just promised the other day, looks like the uk disabled indigenous are paying for military and another country. 
    I am a foreigner, and you sound like one, for one simple reason: you should know this amount you mentioned is nothing for England, and has not even made a dent on the public funding. Ask around, check the money coming in, money spent, this is a joke of an amount to support Ukraine, you underestimate our financial power and lack understanding how much is really spent around you.
  • MrSt0rM
    MrSt0rM Online Community Member Posts: 43 Connected
    ernie2009 said:
    i think we should all calm down as no one knows whats going to happen even if it does. on another thread on this forum one member states its not going to happen if it does untill 2028/2029 and even then for new pip applicants. just slow down a little all of us because it might not even happen anyway so then a lot of stress about nothing 
    No, sorry. It will be implemented into the NEXT parliament, this has been stated and it will not just be new claimants only, it has not said this. The green paper suggests its ALL claimants, current and new. So we have a right to be worried sick about it. IF they get the go ahead in July, it will be done, and even if Tories are voted out via election, the next party in charge have to honour it.
  • kimkenzie202
    kimkenzie202 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Contributor
    The next government don't have to honour anything, the whole proposal will likely have to go though parliament so its unlikely Tories will even be in power by then and if they are voted out then Labour can change it. What's the point of voting if previous governments can impose their will on a newly elected government. 
  • MrSt0rM
    MrSt0rM Online Community Member Posts: 43 Connected
    The next government don't have to honour anything, the whole proposal will likely have to go though parliament so its unlikely Tories will even be in power by then and if they are voted out then Labour can change it. What's the point of voting if previous governments can impose their will on a newly elected government. 
    They sign contracts when they come into power, if this is already done and in place, Labour cannot undo it. That's not how it works unfortunately.
  • Deppi
    Deppi Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
    MrSt0rM said:
    The next government don't have to honour anything, the whole proposal will likely have to go though parliament so its unlikely Tories will even be in power by then and if they are voted out then Labour can change it. What's the point of voting if previous governments can impose their will on a newly elected government. 
    They sign contracts when they come into power, if this is already done and in place, Labour cannot undo it. That's not how it works unfortunately.
    Thats true. And sad...
  • kimkenzie202
    kimkenzie202 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Contributor

    Any new PIP reforms will require primary legislation that cannot be introduced until after the General Election. These things have to go through the Commons and the House of Lords which takes time, longer than the upcoming election.

    These reforms can only possibly happen after the election.

  • kimkenzie202
    kimkenzie202 Online Community Member Posts: 112 Contributor
    I'm happy to provide numerous links from disability and political experts saying the same thing.
  • MrSt0rM
    MrSt0rM Online Community Member Posts: 43 Connected
    AKR said:

    You are wrong. Incoming governments don't "sign contracts" in relation to "honouring" legislation passed by a previous government. That is utter bunkum. If an incoming government wishes to repeal and/or amend legislation they can (assuming they have a majority in the commons). It's called parliamentary sovereignty. Btw I read and practised law for 30 years.....

    It is expensive and it is rarely done. Name a time this happened? Also, labour are not disagreeing with the plans either.
  • Luna51
    Luna51 Online Community Member Posts: 297 Empowering
    My take on this is that it's another way for the tories to try and gain votes!

    The disabled community have often been dogged by public opinion for many years, we've all heard people talk about 'that' person they know who's "more than capable of work, drives a brand new motability car, but can go out and mow the front lawn!" 
    It's an incredibly sad fact that for many a disability must be seen to be understood..
    Vilifying the vulnerable and those suffering with mental health conditions is a very low blow indeed, even for this government!

    And who remembers the article below from 2011 - a stark example of what I'm taking about - yes it's the 'daily fail' but people will still believe this tripe..
  • AutumnBreeze
    AutumnBreeze Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected
    The entire benefits system needs an entire overhaul if you ask me as it's not working for anyone, and whilst I can see what they are trying to achieve, they are going about it all wrong.  The Government are demonising people and making us all out to be lazy and workshy, which I am sure we will all agree is not true.  All of this criticism and negative attitude is adding to the problem and causing a "it's them vs us" mentality, and encouraging those that don't have health issues and can work all hours under the sun to join them in their bullying quest, it's certainly not helping anyone.  It's pushing people to their limits, increasing mental health issues, adding pressure to already at breaking point NHS and other support services, need I go on?

    They should be focusing on asking people what they need support wise to become or remain as independent as possible and making that possible, so where possible and ONLY where possible, people in receipt of health related benefits can work/return to work.

    Hands up how many people here would return to work (even for just 1hr a week) if they had all the support they needed (financial or otherwise) and their health would allow for it?

    - Just to add context to this as I'm new here: I'm not in receipt of PIP personally, however I do have both MH issues and minor physical disabilities as does my OH (who gets the LCWRA element of UC - rejected for PIP on lack of evidence, super frustrating) and daughter (who I receive child DLA for), I'm a carer for both but only receive carers allowance for DD in addition to UC.  Both me and OH used to work, but are unable to atm due to a multitude of circumstances. -
  • MrSt0rM
    MrSt0rM Online Community Member Posts: 43 Connected
    AKR said:

    @MrSt0rM The simple fact is you are wrong in what you said, factually and legally. Labour haven't even responded formally yet so again, you are talking utter nonsense. Stop trolling and come back to me when you graduate with your Doctorate in Law, specialising in constitutional law....

    I'm not trolling at all. I am stating a fact. You're the one that claims to have a "law degree" yet don't know what you're talking about. Sorry that you're wrong.
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,472 Championing

    MrStOrM, certainly there are contracts in place for health assessors and far more than ever before. Is that what you're referring to?
  • Community_Scope
    Community_Scope Posts: 1,672 Empowering

    Note from online community team:

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    We will continue to closely monitor this discussion, but if it escalates further, we may choose to pause, close, or even hide the discussion.

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  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,472 Championing

    MrStOrM, certainly there are contracts in place for health assessors and far more than ever before. Is that what you're referring to?