Advanced claim- PIP?

coralfang Online Community Member Posts: 40 Connected
hi, my partner receives PIP and is due to end in July this year, he didn't receive the usual review pack in the mail instead he got a letter saying if he wished to continue to claim he needed to call up and let them know. he called up the number on the letter but he was told he needed to call new claims instead, so he called up the number they gave him and they told him it was the wrong number and it wasn't a new claim. sounds like there was a bit of confusion and they ended up having to get a manager to call him back and she said it was an 'advanced claim' and the person who deals with that is back in work next week to process it?

does anyone know what an advanced claim is? why did he not receive the normal pack in the mail? i have never heard of that before, thanks.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Never heard of an advanced claim before. Was their current award given  by a Tribunal?
  • coralfang
    coralfang Online Community Member Posts: 40 Connected
    no it wasn't, it was given via a MR but not tribunal. i've tried to look online to see what an advanced claim is and can't seem to find anything i just assumed he would have the review paper sent out but it was a letter saying get in touch if you want to continue your claim. is that normal to not get those review pack like that?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Usually a review form is sent out, unless the award was for less than 2 years and then they may send a letter asking you to reapply. 
  • coralfang
    coralfang Online Community Member Posts: 40 Connected
    i think his award was for 2 years so maybe that's why? will he have to do the whole application all over again do you think?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Potentially yes. All claims should be treated as a new claim anyway and they still need to give as much relevant information as possible. If it was the review form they received it's never advised just to put "no changes" and nothing else. 
  • coralfang
    coralfang Online Community Member Posts: 40 Connected
    thanks poppy, he hasn't had a review form and i'm not sure if they will send that out or a brand new claim now, will have to wait and see.