Hey all

Jamjar24 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
Hello I am Jayne, I'm almost 43 and live in Cumbria. Recently been diagnosed with arthritis in my hip, knee n both ankles. Also hace it my hands, this was diagnosed in 2020. Feel a bit lost at the min n awaiting a more in depth phone call with the GP xx


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator
    Welcome @Jamjar24, sorry to hear you're feeling lost after your diagnosis. I hope the phone call with your GP proves helpful. As Beaver says, it can take some time to adjust to a new diagnosis, so take it really easy :)

    We've got a lovely community of people so I'm sure you'll get some friendship and support here if you need to talk things through. Please feel free to get involved wherever you like, many people like to chat in the coffee lounge if you'd like to join us :)
  • Jamjar24
    Jamjar24 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thanks both of you for replying. The GP says it's not urgent so a couple of weeks wait for a phone call but I suffer from anxiety so I've been reading stuff on the internet. I'm trying to just keep going but resting when the pains really bad. I'm married and have a son so plenty of support but I'm not great at bothering others so just crack on. I'm a huge crafter so that's a good distraction n aim to loose a lot of weight as I'm classed as obese but giving myself some time before I try to focus on everything at once x
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator
    Glad to hear you have some support @Jamjar24, I know how hard it can be to be in constant pain. Sounds like a good idea to take each step as it comes and see what you can manage :)

    What kind of things do you like crafting? 
  • Jamjar24
    Jamjar24 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    I'll try my hand at most things, currently making macrame bunting for a friend's caravan xx
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator
    Ooh, that sounds interesting! I've not tried macrame before, but I've done all sorts of other crafts and I also like to sew. I'll have to look into giving it a go!
  • Jamjar24
    Jamjar24 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Its lovely and a great distraction from the pain and for my mental health. I've been a bit distracted while I was waiting on my X ray results. I'm doing some today though. I feel very blessed to be able to distract myself xx
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator
    It's nice to have the kind of hobbies where you can just forget about everything for a while, always useful for those times that are a bit difficult!
  • Jamjar24
    Jamjar24 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Totally agree, I keep having moments where I will say I'm just cracking on n then severe pain kicks in and I burst into tears, don't have a very high pain threshold. Hey ho I'll get there eventually xx
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator
    It's not easy at all! Hope you get some better days soon and that you're not waiting too long for that call with your GP :)
  • Jamjar24
    Jamjar24 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you lovely. Hope you are ok and have a good bank holiday 
  • onedayatatime
    onedayatatime Community member Posts: 212 Empowering
    Hello @jamjar
    Oh, I do love a bit of crafting! Totally agree that its a good distraction from pain, though some days we just have to put it aside for a bit and pick back up when we're ready and able. I've got to ask, do you have a craft room? It's a dream of mine to have one 🤣 But I attempt everything from sewing, drawing, painting, paper mache......the list is endless 🤣 Not saying I'm much good at it but it's what I enjoy. I just mentioned to someone else that I used to do macrame as a kid. I can make a hanging plant pot holder 🤣 but no way am I at the level of making bunting. That sounds very impressive ! I recently bought a gellie plate for print making 👍 Yet to play about with it.
    Anyways, it's nice to meet you!