Diazepam taper advive

wildrose53 Community member Posts: 22 Connected
im rose 
woukd like help tapering from diazepam
this time I’ve been in it for 9 days for exact muscle soasns.
dose was 5mg 3 times a day plus 20mg baclofen 3 times a day.
muscke doasns finalky stopped yesterday after 9 days do I’ve reduced to 4.5ng 3 times a day. 
I’m petrified of withdrawals as in February I had minor muscle soasns and took 2ng 3 times a day for 4 days.
I then reduced it to 2ng once a day for 3 days abd after Kat tanker I got withdrawals within 2 days. These went in for 5 weeks.
so now I’m in much lArger dose I’m scared of withdrawals.
I feel so hooed up and very weak & tired.
I just wNrvri feel clear headed and gave my energy back 


  • vikingqueen
    vikingqueen Scope Member Posts: 1,576 Championing
            Starting a new post will only give you the same advice. We cannot give medical advise. No 2 people are alike and the wrong advise could cause you harm. 
            Speak to your GP again, they are the only ones to help you. 
  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    so I’ve wasted my time joining this 
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @wildrose53, I'm really sorry you're going through a tough time tapering your medication, it doesn't sound easy at all. Withdrawal symptoms can be really horrible and it must be pretty scary to have that in front of you as a possibility.

    Unfortunately, we can't give direct medical advice as each person needs to be aware of their own medical history. Everyone is different and their bodies will react differently on different drugs, so it's really hard to give any specific advice when it's such a personal experience.

    As vikingqueen mentioned, if we gave you incorrect advice about your medication it could be really dangerous for you and cause you harm. Frustrating as it is, the best person to speak to is your GP or medical team, they can talk you through your worries and see if there's a better way of doing things and get you feeling more comfortable.

    I realise that doesn't feel very helpful at all when you're dealing with symptoms and worry every day, but I really hope things start feeling easier for you soon :)
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,838 Championing

    Hi wildrose53, I'm sorry you're feeling rough and no, you haven't wasted your time joining Scope. We all need support with poor health and people here will help if they can. 

    To be fair, you asked two different questions. I think every new member deserves to be treated gently and allowed the time and space to find their voice on this forum without criticism. 

    Ring 111 if you are worried this weekend and want medical advice before your surgery opens again on Tuesday. 

  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    I I wanted advice on how to come off it and no I Debs willing to give advice or help 
    nust told yo speak to medical professional.
    they have no idea how to do it. 
    Had an ambulance e out last week. They couldn’t help. A&E we’re a waste of time and sent my Gp a letter ssyikbg I’d got backache.
    so what’s the lining of asking anything. I was advised to join this group for help on taoetkng . K my bed. On it 9 days . 

    THE_DUDE Community member Posts: 241 Empowering
    The cheek of some people. The question can be asked a hundred times, doesn't mean can't be helped.

    Hope you get through this. Hopefully you'll get @WhatThe and @letitbe more of the love they've given. 
  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    thank you Dide. At least you’ve shown some kindness. 
    Who can I get in touch with for proper help 
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,838 Championing

    Hi again Rose,

    Dial 111 if you need NHS medical advice and support this weekend or speak with your GP or pharmacist on Tuesday. 

    Somebody else may read your posts in a week's time and share their experience of managing and tapering medication but I hope you don't have to wait that long. 

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,343 Championing
    Hi @wildrose53 - & welcome to the community. I truly hope you don't feel you've wasted your time in joining us all. Unfortunately your GP/specialist is the person who knows your full medical history, other medications that you take, so only they can advise appropriately.
    I'm a long-retired physio, but can only give, sometimes, the most basic forms of exercise that may help one of our members either old or new, just because I can't see their medical history. Even with physio advice, I feel I have to be most careful & only give advice I'm sure will do no harm.
    I hope you understand now just why we can't give any medical advice, sorry. Please speak to your healthcare professional about your very valid concerns, & work with them to find a way forward. As @WhatThe also says, a pharmacist can also be very helpful if unable to speak with your GP, or you might find another in your GP surgery more approachable. Kindly let us all know how you get on.
  • onedayatatime
    onedayatatime Community member Posts: 212 Empowering
    Hello @wildrose53
    I don't have any advice to give to you really about how to taper off your medication but I do understand how you want to avoid the withdrawal symptoms of medications which can be really unpleasant. I'm on low dosage diazepam and monitored regularly by my GP but have gone through the withdrawal of Pregabalin by tapering, under the advice of my GP.
    As previously mentioned, I think the best advice should come direct from the GP who prescribed it. If not, do try speaking to your pharmacist. For yours and everyone elses comfort when it comes to tapering off medication, to avoid withdrawals, a medical professional needs to be available to advice and support.

  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Community member Posts: 22 Connected
    Thank you @onedsyst stile. Do you mind me asking what dosage you’re taking. My muscle spasms are excruciating and I’ve had them since 25th April . 
  • onedayatatime
    onedayatatime Community member Posts: 212 Empowering
    @wildrose53 I've been prescribed 2mg tablets 'to be taken as needed' but advised by GP no more than 4 times a day. That's because of the other medication I'm on and they all interact. I have to phone my GP each time for diazepam  so he monitors all the dosages of everything else. 
    It does sound as though your GP really should be offering you more support and advice. I'm sorry if that is not happening. 
    I have degenerative discs, impinged and compressed nerves in my lumbar spine radiculopathy and arthritis in the facet joints. As you çan tell by the time of this posting,  3am, I get a lot of pain👍 My muscle spasms and cramping affect my back, entire leg and my foot and toe. They can happen periodically throughout the day. They can be short bursts or last for what seems like forever. I have weird ones that make my big toe stick up totally erect! This evening they are in my back and thighs.
    Can I ask, and you obviously don't have to answer, but why were you prescribed diazepam? Did they give a reason for the spasms? It does sound as though you have been experiencing a lot of pain which must be horrible as well as really draining. 
    I was on pregabalin for a long time to help with nerve pain, but the dosage just kept going up and up.
    I had to taper down off of that and was then prescribed gabapentin. I'm also on codeine and have been for a very long time. They tried to switch me over to tramadol suddenly, but I felt absolutely awful!!
    I know this might sound a bit silly, but when I phone my GP surgery for an appointment (I have phone appointments with them) I randomly end up speaking to different GPs each time. If this is the case for yourself, would it be possible to try to either speak to the GP who prescribed them or a different GP if you aren't getting the relevant help you need? I'm registered online with my GP surgery so I can log in and see my records and summary of each appointment and what GP I spoke to. I've worked out what GP I've found more helpful that way and try to request appointments with that one.
    I'm sorry I really can't be more helpful and I really hope you find the answers you need. I do hope you find some relief from the obvious pain you are experiencing. If you ever just need to let off some steam, have a vent or whatever you find helpful to deal with your pain, you're very welcome to message me. I get it. Pain is ****.