LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 118 Empowering
edited May 2024 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Tonight Rachel Reeves was on the Iain Dale show and callers could ring in. A girl rang in and asked if she planned to get rid of PIP and she said no. You can watch here from 48:00


    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 118 Empowering
    Also if you’re on X, it’s worth following Vicky Foxcroft MP.
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    Labour just like any other party has to reduce the welfare bill which has raised significantly since Covid.  Universal credit was supposed to simplify so resources could be diverted to detecting fraud & reduce DWP pay bill as there would be less departments for different benefits, less phone calls as people tried to understand entitlement, less if you grtvx yiu can have y etc.  A huge failure, so much so years on they've not yet transferred everyone over and there's still multiple benefits over lapping rules.  Disability benefits a headline to distract attention from cuts to UC, ESA, DLA etc.  and Govt. failure to tackle tax evasion, etc.  While waged, unwaged & pensioners & students face ever rising rent, uni fees, student loan repayments , council tax & utility bills and a huge growth in foodbanks.  My city has a foodbank in every area and my local one gives out 150 bags each week.  Tories are election ready & is trying to get the working persons vote by saying they'll stop disabled benefits because it's been abused!   They also count on apathy of voters to vote for alternative.  Do not doubt Labour will be just as bad.  
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    This is interesting reading of impact of Tony Blair 'hand up not hand out" .https://www.bristol.ac.uk/news/2014/september/welfare-state.html

      Personally I feel no matter who is in we will get them targeting benefits, some more than others.  At election time they each feed their potential voters with headlines they think they'll love while others that could be more impactful are never mentioned until after they are elected and when you object they say " it was in our manifesto ".   It's a balance of who cares enough to vote.  I've worked in polling stations across city for decades and some areas have extremely low turnout.  We sit there impartial, listening to those who come in to vote .

      There are 4 types of voters
    1. I will vote Tory as I don't want my income tax to rise and labour all about handouts /benefits
    2. I will vote labour as I hate the Tories 
    3. I will vote any far right candidate to protest over Labour/Tory policy/action on immigration plus I'm scared to vote green as green policies might impact me!  
    4. I'm not voting it's a waste of time - yes people come into station to take a ballot paper to spoil it.  

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 118 Empowering
    Of course I believe that any new Government will also try and reduce the benefits bill, but I definitely do believe Labour will be a lot more compared that the Conservatives will and I like them better as humans too. Labour is definitely getting my vote in the General Election. 
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    Living in Wales with Labour running the Welsh govt.. for  years the  NHS Wales  in worst position than England with longer waiting lists etc. plus they wasted £35m on default 20mph speed limit instead of 30mph.  After a huge petition after its implementation they decide to admit they got it wrong implementing on all roads so councils can change sone back to 30 and they've provided another £5m for this!  So £50m wasted that could have been spent on NHS Wales.  Yet despite this they will get re elected as still people remember the 80s Miners strike .   

    I'll admit I'm not a Labour or Tory voter but I try to vote tactically.  This general election I'm at a loss as I'm fed up of Tory mess but don't think Labour has decent, strong leader & that they would do better. 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,992 Championing
    griff11 said:

      There are 4 types of voters
    1. I will vote Tory as I don't want my income tax to rise and labour all about handouts /benefits
    2. I will vote labour as I hate the Tories 
    3. I will vote any far right candidate to protest over Labour/Tory policy/action on immigration plus I'm scared to vote green as green policies might impact me!  
    4. I'm not voting it's a waste of time - yes people come into station to take a ballot paper to spoil it.  

    This is an interesting insight from your experience, thanks for sharing that

    I guess like everything you can't sum up 100% of the population into a few simple categories, but that probably does cover something like 85% I suppose??

    I wanted to point out that I have a relative who, after a recent election, boasted that they had voted for a certain candidate "because they were the only English-sounding name on the list" ... the candidate was from a left-wing party ... so they voted for a left-wing party, for right-wing reasons

    Work that one out :D 
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    66Mustang said:
    griff11 said:

      There are 4 types of voters
    1. I will vote Tory as I don't want my income tax to rise and labour all about handouts /benefits
    2. I will vote labour as I hate the Tories 
    3. I will vote any far right candidate to protest over Labour/Tory policy/action on immigration plus I'm scared to vote green as green policies might impact me!  
    4. I'm not voting it's a waste of time - yes people come into station to take a ballot paper to spoil it.  

    This is an interesting insight from your experience, thanks for sharing that

    I guess like everything you can't sum up 100% of the population into a few simple categories, but that probably does cover something like 85% I suppose??

    I wanted to point out that I have a relative who, after a recent election, boasted that they had voted for a certain candidate "because they were the only English-sounding name on the list" ... the candidate was from a left-wing party ... so they voted for a left-wing party, for right-wing reasons

    Work that one out :D 

    I only saw those that came to polling station. Huge rise in postal voters now (I'm one of course as can't vote in my own station).  

    Also got quite good at predicting when different categories of voters would turn up.  One that makes me laugh is beige voters.  They are mid morning or mid afternoon retirees and couples wear beige slacks, men beige shoes & jackets, women beige cardigans & gold shoes.  Now I find myself a retiree and I wore beige trousers yesterday and thought I needed some gold pumps 🤣

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 603 Pioneering
    edited May 2024
    So its at 43:00

    So the answer was they not stopping or reducing the payments, thats good, but the answer left it open that the criteria might change.

    Also labour dont agree with the tories on removing GPs ability to issue sick notes, as kendall has publically opposed it.

    I actually want to ring in one of these shows, but they dont seem to pre announce who is on or anything, and journalists I have tried to contact their email addresses always bounce.
    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 118 Empowering
    Rachel Reeves being on LBC happens every month and they gave several weeks warning she was going to be on and asked people to ring in, or send a message in advance. 

    Everyone receiving benefits needs to vote in the next General Election, that’s crucial. If the Conservative Party stay on power their stance on benefits are a lot more callous and dangerous. 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    From memory Labour 'bulked' at 'Austerity', it's something they won't be 'visiting' in Government, they actually want to grow the 'economy', unlike the 'Cons.'


  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 906 Trailblazing
    i for one would of had a bit more faith in this interview if when she made these comments in answer to the question she had looked into the camera the carrot is still dangling on the string lol 
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    As I said living in Wales with a Welsh Govt. Controlled by labour I've no faith in Labour,  they've not grown the Welsh economy.  The Welsh NHS in worse condition than English.  So bad to get appointment at my GP surgery AskmyGP open from 8.30-8,35 am daily to serve two huge practices,  Literally 5 minutes and just 50 slots.  NHS MH services dire.  My daughter had letter 2 months ago to ask if she still wanted to be on waiting list & they've decided group therapy, online for her OCD is best option for her.  She's been waiting since 2019.  She explained before she's scared of group therapy as hearing others obsessions, worries she's afraid she'll take them on. But back to Welsh Hovt. Now as well as £40m wasted on us all driving at 20mph everywhere they've voted to increase Senedd seats by 36 from 60 members to 96 which is estimated to cost us another £18m l. Why do we suddenly need these extra politicians?  They say there's no money for NHS or local Govt. but magic it up when they need it.  
    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 118 Empowering
    well if you vote Conservative you can wave goodbye to any benefit, because they have already stated how they plan to treat disability benefits if they win the election and it’s deplorable.
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    well if you vote Conservative you can wave goodbye to any benefit, because they have already stated how they plan to treat disability benefits if they win the election and it’s deplorable.
    I dislike Tories as much & I've only carers allowance to "kiss" goodbye to but I doubt either party will remove this paltry amount.  
    I as quite heartened to see in recent English elections - we didn't have them in Wales, the rise in independent councillors & Lib Dem even though Lib Dem sold out when in coalition govt. on student tuition fees.   If local ejections barometer for voters unhappiness & distrust for the two major parties at general election time we might actually get a govt.  that takes account of electorate wants via coalition and Lib Dem learn from previous mistakes.  Tory talking about removing  benefits is distraction from state of NHS, immigration policies, poor leadership and lack of support within their own party.  All smoke & mirrors.   As someone else said.  Labour will say they will target unemployed as everyone knows families where generations haven't worked because they know how to play the system but unless you tackle the root cause which is poor parenting skills so children not raised to appreciate education and aspire to any work as adults nothing will change as they can't just cut people off financially.  So then they go for easier targets of the disabled.  They have failed at streamlining benefits via UC, next move is means tested.  They need to help disabled people work first though by giving grants to employers as discrimination laws to help them get jobs isn't working.  From experience only public sector will positively change recruitment process to try to remove barriers but then humans interview.  My daughter works LA after declaring her disability on application form.  
    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 118 Empowering

    You all should send some love to this MP


  • Dianaf
    Dianaf Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor

    Hi labour saying they are not getting rid of pip still means they can change it the same way as the tories were planning to. Planning to cut pip is still not getting rid of pip. 😔

    LIVEDANDLEARNED Online Community Member Posts: 118 Empowering

    Have you seen any definitive evidence of them saying they will? Xx