Hi, my name is cbatt! Housing benefit stopped after reassessment.

cbatt Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited May 2024 in Benefits and income
I receive attendance allowance and housing benefit. It was reassessed in March 2024 and all ok then 2nd May they suspended my housing benefit. Proof they required and questions were what benefits my son gets and how much plus his ID and my son’s father still lives with us but not a couple and just wanted to know has he moved out. From day we rented they knew my son lived with us due to his mental health so why did they need to know his benefits and amounts and ID. Also if I was reassessed in March now suspended 


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,977 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi there @cbatt and welcome to the community.

    I'm sorry to hear they've suspended your housing benefit. Has no one been able to give you any answers from the DWP?  I'm afraid HB isn't my strong point, so I'm going to move your discussion over to the benefits category, so hopefully more people in the know will be able to see and offer some answers. I hope that's OK?  Can I just ask, is your son over 18? That may impact things.