Pip waiting time for assesment apointment?

Sim7777 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
Hi, I know there is no set answer to this but wondered if there is a rough idea when you usually hear when your assesment is for a new claim (as paper based rare I believe). How many months after waiting would you chase with Capita? Thanks for any advice


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,427 Championing
    Some wait a few weeks and others a few months. As you said, there's not really an answer for this. New claims can take up to about 6 months, sometimes longer for a decision after ringing to start your claim. If you don't hear anything after about 5 months you could ring them then.

    Is this claim for yourself? I noticed from a previous thread back in February that you were waiting for a MR decision on a PIP claim. 

  • Sim7777
    Sim7777 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
    Hi Poppy,

    Thanks for your quick and helpful response! Yes you are right, I was waiting on an MR a few months ago and was not succesful with just 6 points. On the letter it stated if you condition/symptons changed since first applied need to do a new claim - maybe I am wrong and should have just tried tribunal? Its just in never ending as going through an ECCP for my daughter and DLA for her - somehow all these things I had never heard of until a few months ago! You wisdom and this site a saviour
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,427 Championing
    Starting a new claim isn’t always the answer and could see another refusal, if you use the same evidence you previously used. The best route is always Tribunal. Most MR decisions remain the same anyway. 
  • Sim7777
    Sim7777 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
    Oh dear I did not know that and just took what it said on the letter - hey ho - I thought if things have changed from when you originally applied you had to start again - thanks for the info Poppy.