PIP Evidence for Review

stevenh60 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
Good Morning,

I'm Steven, and I have been on PIP for 5 years for ASD and Anxiety/ Depression. Last week I had the text message from DWP stating my review forms are in the post. 

I have been preparing, and thinking what to send. I have a 2 page Patient Boarding Card that was produced last year from initial screening, as I am on a waiting list for CBT via mental health services.

I am just concerned that one paragraph says "On a bad day he can struggle to function, he will often stay in his room all day, and will require promoting to have his dinner or engage in self care. He can struggle with interest to engage in many activities, these bad days tend to be 50/50"

I am worried that with it saying tend to be 50:50, it says I can function, should I include it or leave it out? I know the PIP ruling is more than 50% of days, or am I overthinking this?

Many Thanks all


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    It’s not more than 50% of the days. It’s at least 50% of the days over a 12 month period. Only you can decide whether to send that as evidence.