Pip tribunal video call

hayley5 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor
Hi I’ve been given my appeal date this month via video link I’m so nervous this whole process has really made me a lot worse I’m so worried about it. I have my partner and sister who I heavily rely on can they join the video call ? Do I need to have all my paper work in order as I have adhd and it’s stressing me out thinking I need to sort it all out. 
Thank you. 


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,699 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Heya @hayley5 I'm glad they've finally given you a date for your appeal.  Please try not to worry too much, the tribunal is very easy going and worlds away from the assessment.  You can have other people with you, but you'll b expected to do the majority of the talking. Just take your time and you'll be ok. :) 
      I find it great having lots of notes in bullet points to help me remember important bits I need to say, it could be worth giving that a go? 
  • hayley5
    hayley5 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor
    Thank you so much for your reply 😀 I struggle so much with my anxiety and paranoia I think I will just write a few things down and maybe highlight it. I struggle with my memory so I think it may help. Do you think it could be possible for the dwp to call me before the date to talk me out of going ahead and maybe award me ? I’m just so so scared and I don’t no why xx
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,699 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Not a problem at all @hayley5 always happy to help. :)  I struggle with anxiety (and brain fog) big time, so I understand your worries. Writing stuff down can really help and once done, it's one less thing to worry about. 
      The DWP sometimes will offer an award before the tribunal, but it can sometimes be lower than you'd receive from the tribunal.

    It's ok to feel scared, it's perfectly valid. It's the unknown and that's scary.  But we're all here for support if you need us. :)
  • hayley5
    hayley5 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor
    Thank you so so much that’s so lovely of you ❤️ Yes that’s the word I was looking for ( brain fog) it’s awfull makes me feel like I’m lying because I can’t remember or I can’t think of the correct word to use 😩 it’s awfull. I’ve just got to make myself realise it’s not life or death and if declined again I will keep going untill they recognise and listen to me and my disabilities 😩 xx