Unsure what to do next regarding offer over the phone

kateflellosterry Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi, my name is Kate.

I applied for PIP last April. It's been a really stressful process for me and my family and actually made me more ill. I had an interview over the phone and was denied PIP. There were many inconsistencies in the report. I applied for a MR.
Waited for ages for a reply and when none came got in touch and they said they hadn't received anything even though it had been sent recorded signed for!
Got asked to send everything in again.
Took me a long time to gather everything again plus further evidence. I became obsessed with it all and it really took a toll on my health and my relationship with my husband.
I had to have a couple of extensions as I was finding it so difficult to get everything together.
Phoned to tell them it was on its way only to get told they already had my information and it had arrived when it was meant to the first time. 
Not once did I get informed of this.
Then I got really confused as I had a letter through saying they'd looked at claim again and I had been denied PIP, but a day or so after a text saying they were looking at their decision again!
I went to citizens advice (I only wish I'd gone to them in the first place!!)
We started the tribunal process.
I have had a letter saying about a tribunal so I was just waiting for the bundle to arrive.

Anyway, the other day got called out of the blue by the DWP saying they had looked at the info again and decided I am entitled to the lower daily living component and can have it back paid from the date I first claimed back last april.
My husband talked to them as I'm too upset to talk to them on the phone.
They said they are going to phone back tomorrow and I have to give them a decision or they will withdraw the offer and it will go to tribunal.

Thank you if you have read this far.

I don't know if I should take the offer. what is the best thing to do in this situation? 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Only you can decide what to do. You can accept that offer, wait for the award to be put into payment and then request the Tribunal again. Your waiting time will start again though because once you accept an offer then your current appeal will lapse.  

    You should only request it again if you think it's possible to score more points for a higher award so before doing that you should get some expert advice from an agency near you. 
  • kateflellosterry
    kateflellosterry Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thank you so much for your answer. It's given me the clarity I need. I will accept the offer and go and get some further advice. I appreciate your help. I find it really difficult to make decisions, especially around money, and something that I feel is important.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You're welcome. At least doing it this way means you will have some money coming in, which will hopefully help a little.