About pip

trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

Ive just be rewarded the enchant rate of daily living and mobility the DWP said they owe me sum money going back 3 months now hade my text Wednesday I have also called debit management and it's not been passed to them 😔 can anyone relate


  • trappp
    trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    My letters due any day now as well

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Money owed will be in your bank account 3-5 working days after payment was sent. You can ring PIP to ask when to expect the money in your bank and they will tell you.

    Decision letter can take anything up to 2 weeks.

  • trappp
    trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    I currently rang em this morning the lady hade no clue about it but when I spoken to the man he said they owed me money and hopefully should get it tomorrow if it was from last Wednesday I appreciate your help

  • trappp
    trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    The man is the one who called me first bout my claim

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,103 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @trappp and welcome to the community. :)

    I can see Poppy has already answered your question, but I just wanted to stop in and say hello and congratulations on your award. 😁

  • trappp
    trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    Awh thanku I appreciate the help when the DWP man called me he put it 3 months back and said if det management need it but I owe then nothing I've called em already they said they don't need it and dwp man sent me a text Wednesday after the phone call 🤙 will I definitely receive payment in 3-5 days I did ring pip this morning but the lady has no clue

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Very odd why she couldn’t tell you when to expect it into your bank. If payment is sent they can usually tell you. For this reason payment may not have been sent yet.

  • trappp
    trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    Exactly but why would the guy mention that he's backdating it and she didn't have a clue am I entitled to what they owe me surely he has sent it out or there systems slow

  • trappp
    trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    The guy who called me said you'll get a back payment or installments

  • trappp
    trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    I'm over panicking and worrying constantly

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Is this a first time claim? and you haven't transferred from DLA?

  • trappp
    trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    Ive hade a review it's been completed and I'm not transferring from DLA

  • trappp
    trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    This may explain the confusion. If you rang PIP to report changes to your health condition if your new award is higher than your previous award you will be owed money from the date you rang to report the changes.

    If it was a review started by DWP and your new award is higher they don't usually backdate it to an earlier date and the extra money is paid from when the decision was made. However, due to the waiting times for review decisions a decision maker will use the own discretion and sometimes (not always) they will backdate to an earlier date, which could mean they owe you some money.

    For this reason you need to wait for the decision letter and it will give more details in their of whether any money is owed or not.

    When you first posted I assumed it was a new claim as you didn't say anything to suggest otherwise. Apologies for the confusion.

  • trappp
    trappp Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener

    Thanku poppy sorry I'm very dislaxic I find it hard to find the right words as it's only me in my life but that information sounds right the assor on the phone back dated it to march when they sent the letter out to me to begin so I'm owed some money guess it's a waiting game