Hi, my name is nevertolateis56!

nevertolateis56 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener

Hello  I have a question I recieve pip and will be reassesed in Sep 2025 my condition hasn't changed and I will never get better my condition has got worse to the fact I have to use a scooter to get around now the question is once I have been awared the enhanced rates of both sections and I havnt improved is it possible that they could refuse my claim and cancelled it or reduce it ? Also how do I fill in my assessment form and do I have to get new evidence to send with my form thank you


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing

    At any review your award could either remain the same, be reduced or even stop completely. When filling out the form please do not just put no change and nothing else. You should treat it as a new claim and put as much relevant information as possible. Any additional evidence you have should be sent with the form.

    At the moment review forms are being sent out about 8 months before your award is due to end.