What's your favourite style?

66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
edited May 25 in Coffee lounge

Hopefully just a fun question for everyone

What's your favourite type of outfit to wear, not worrying about the weather or what kind of event you are going to??

I wear those long sleeve rugby shirts and jeans every day because I have problems with not covering my body up. I try to buy good ones though and fortunately it's a smart enough outfit to go most places, except maybe a funeral or fine dining. 😊 I always choose loads of different colours as well, I don't have many clothes that are grey or black

I really like those long sleeve shirts though that come in different colours and patterns. I think they are called overshirts?? I think they look nice on other people but they are a bit thin for me to wear as I wouldn't feel secure enough but maybe something for the future

What about you??


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,910 Online Community Coordinator

    I'm very much stuck in my ways, I can be found in a black tshirt, black combats, trainers and a hoodie day to day. Though on the rare occasion I go out, I'll change to black jeans and probably a lumberjack/checked shirt. My family say my style is trapped in the late 90s Seattle and I'm ok with that. 😆

    Have you looked into flannel shirts @66Mustang they're nice print and tend to be lots thicker, I'm a big fan as I also don't feel comfortable showing off any skin.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing


    I'll have to have a better look at the flannel shirts, they look quite nice from looking on Google!!!

  • kreacher
    kreacher Community member Posts: 148 Empowering

    tracksuit bottoms, trainers, t-shirt/footie shirt and a hoodie

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing

    @Ada I can understand that after what you went through as a child 🙁 I agree about dressing for comfort!!! I never understood people who wear clothes that (they think) look good but are super uncomfortable!!! When I was little it used to be girls that did it with like high heels and stuff but now boys do it as well, with skinny jeans and things. Without going into detail I can't think of anything worse for a boy than jeans that don't have any space in them 😂 I mean I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do as it's their body but I would have thought people would want to be comfortable 🤔

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    edited May 26

    I'm sure me and @Albus_Scope don't have as traumatic reasons for doing it as @Ada but it's nice to read that there are others who have to keep their body covered up, for whatever reason

    Incase it helps anyone else, I actually get points for PIP because of it, because I have to wear the same clothes even in summer and I get points for "not being able to choose appropriate clothing for the weather"

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,966 Championing

    I wear jeans & t-shirt all year round as well. Add a hoodie or fleece to go out (regardless of temperature). And a waterproof coat if it's raining or when the temperature drops.

    I wouldn't say it's much of a choice though. I can't stand the feeling of different types of clothes, can't stand the hassle of multiple layers and fastenings during bathroom visits, and can't stand having to make decisions in the moment, so it's easier to wear the same thing all the time.

    A few years ago I had to visit a council building to notify them of a rent increase. Sweltering hot summer day, but I had to wear a hoody as above. The person there kept quizzing me on it, repeatedly asking if I was hot, and just wouldn't let it drop. I don't know why they thought that was appropriate at all. I never went back again, luckily they made it possible to do online by the next time.

    If I could choose my actual favourite style, on an alternative body, it'd probably be a sort of Ibiza type look. Pale shorts & shirt, genuine tan, bit of bling with a neck chain, bracelet and watch, plus sunglasses of course. And a thick, 'more on top' hair cut with an actual hairline…

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    edited May 26


    People used to ask me if I was hot a lot as well!!! I know a few people from Australia though and they wear winter clothes in like 25ºC heat there because that's considered cold…

    Wow that look is NOT one I would ever have associated you with!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing though - it shows how much of an impact our issues have on our perceived personality I guess!!!!

    Favourite style if we could be anything is an interesting question!!! Personally I'm more into "cute" looks rather than the "impressive" looks if that makes sense so I'd like to look like an anime character 😆 sadly up until recently I looked like a Viking so kind of the complete opposite but I'm working on it by losing weight and taking a little bit of pride in my appearance and think I'm doing OK but still a way to go

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 444 Pioneering

    since my stroke i have adapted and improved mr miyagi wax on wax off to slip on slip off