UC85 form with missing information in it.

Peter1 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Listener
edited January 12 in Universal Credit (UC)

I had a health assessment and I have received a medical report about it in a UC85 form.

However, the name and the signature of the Healthcare Professional who carried out the health assessment at the end of this UC50 form has been redacted and also the headers and footers of this form. Hence. a lot of information is missing in this form.

I would like to know if this is normal because as a consequence I am not sure that this form is the correct one and if some parts have not been mixed up with the form concerning another client.

I would like to know if some regulations or laws allow this redaction because I think that I should be provided with all the information in this UC50 form because the client is me. Moreover, I would like to know the name of the Healthcare Professional to be sure that he is qualified.

Moreover, the form is even not paginated and some paragraphs are missing which means that it is difficult to read

Hence, I would like to know if I have the right to request to be provided with this UC50 form with no information being redacted or I have to do a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to be given it.

Because a lot of information is missing I am not sure that it is the correct UC50 form. And, as a consequence I would like to know If someone can provide me with a copy of an original UC50 Form so that I compare it with this that I have received

There is a copy of the UC50 form in the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) handbook of 195 pages long as Appendix 2 in the Internet in the file


but I cannot download it



  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 229 Empowering

    Though they ought to be concise a heavily redacted form with blank fields or the name of the Health assessor missing is not acceptable and you ought to raise the issue in your UC Journal. The DWP will make a decision largely - but not solely - on the information contained in that report - so it matters.

    BUT be careful with the word redacted - it is the assessor's role to decide what should or should not be included in the report. Omitting their name is unequivocably wrong.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,330 Championing
    edited May 2024

    DWP redacts the report not the assessor

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 229 Empowering

    If that's the case, then the OP should ask for a thorough explanation in their UC Journal - the question should be 'Are the omissions in their UC85 an oversight or a new policy ?'

    Failure to provide the name of the health professional accountable for the assessment is unacceptable.

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 229 Empowering

    Perhaps Poppy - this forum's prolific contributor - can shed more light on this issue ?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    I would prefer it if you didn't do this please. I really don't like the added pressure of commenting on threads. If I see questions and I can help then I will. I have a lot of personal things going on in life and not been spending as much time here as I would normally.

    @Peter1 I think you're confused between the UC50 and UC85. The UC50 form is what's known as the work capability assessment form, which you would have filled in at the start of your claim. You can see that here. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65d4dc5c2197b200117fa703/uc50-interactive.pdf

    The UC85 is the assessment report the assessor writes once your assessment is completed. I'm afraid I can't find a copy of that online. There's one in the WCA handbook but can't download it.

    In the assessment report, they can redact information if they believe it to be seriously harmful to the claimant. See link and scroll to 4.2.1 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/653108e60b5392000da929a0/wca-handbook.pdf

    The only reason I can think of why the assessors name isn't on the assessment report is they may have left after your assessment and the report could have been completed by another person because the report isn't always completed immediately after the assessment. Other than that I'm afraid I don't know.

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 229 Empowering

    I apologise for the added pressure of asking for your much valued input. I will refrain in future.

    My feeling was that the UC85 would not be edited ( other than in exceptional cases ) and your answer confirms as such.

    Hope the OP finds it useful.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Thank you for being understanding, it's appreciated.

  • Peter1
    Peter1 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Listener

    In my first post I wrongly write several times UC50 instead of UC85 but I am not confusing them.

    In paragraph 4.2.1 of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) handbook there are three categories of harmful information


    2. Progressive neurological conditions

    3. Major mental illness

    but none apply to my medical conditions

    Morever, the headers and footers of the medial report are also blanked out and I do not think that harmful information would have been written in them

    I do not see any page numbers in the medical report so I would like to know if the medical report should have them or if they have also been blanked out I would like to know why they were blanked out.

    I do not know if the pages of this medical report have been mixed up between them or with these of the report of another client because there is no page numbers

    There is a paragraph in this medial called DECLARATION where the assessor confirm that he has completed this report in accordance with the UC guidance but the information below has also been blanked out and I suppose that this information blanked out should be details about this assessor so his name should appear in the report but it has been blanked out.

    Moreover, in the front page of the medical report there is the date when the assessment started and when it ended and when the report was completed and it shows that it was completed just after the assessment ended which show that the assessor who carried out the assessment should have been the same as this who completed the report. Hence, the explanation why we do not see the name of the assessor in the medical report could not be because it was completed by another person

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    I have a couple of ESA85 reports for myself and each one has page numbers at the bottom of each page and there's 9 pages. Not sure what you mean by headers and footers because I don't see any of them on mine either. There's also a name on each of my reports and this is at the front of the report.

    Is the report not in your favour which is why you're asking these questions? At the back of the report there should be their recommendation and you should see an explanation for why they have decided either LCW, LCWRA or fit for work.

  • Peter1
    Peter1 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Listener

    My medical report has 22 pages and not only 9 pages but it is a UC85 form and not a ESA85 form as yours and I do not know if this big difference in number of pages is due to the differences between these two forms or in the difference between your medical conditions and mines.

    it could be good if we can get a copy of a template of an UC85 form and this of a ESA85 form to compare them to solve this issue of difference in number of pages.

    My report can also have a number page in the bottom of each page but I do not see it because it could have been blanked out.

    At the bottom of all the pages of my medical report there are two lines which are blanked out irrespectively of whether or not the page is fully filled and it is why I called them footers but I am not sure if they are really footers because I cannot see them because they are blanked out.

    In the same way in the top of some pages the two first lines are also blanked out and it is why I called them headers even though I am not sure that they are really headers because I cannot see them because they are blanked out.

    Irrespectively of whether or not the medical report is in our favour we are entitled to receive a copy of it with all information in it to which we are entitled to.

    Moreover, as I explained in my previous posts I am even not sure that all parts of this report are about me because all the information which have been blanked out in particular the number pages

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited May 2024

    The WCA for both ESA and UC is identical so the UC/ESA50 forms are the same, as well as the UC85 and ESA85 are all identical. Having said that the 2 reports I have here are paper based assessment reports. If your assessment wasn't paper based then this will be why there's more pages. Paper based reports are always shorter.

    You can also request the personal information DWOP hold on you, known as Right of Access so I'd advise you to do that. Details here. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/request-your-personal-information-from-the-department-for-work-and-pensions

  • Peter1
    Peter1 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Listener

    My report was sent to me by post and I do not know if this means that it is paper based. When you say 9 pages do you mean 9 double pages or 9 single pages

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Paper based means no assessment was needed and they had enough of information to write the report based on all information and evidence they had.

    9 double pages, with front and back of each page being used.

  • Peter1
    Peter1 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Listener

    Hence,my report is not paper based.

    'Is your report paginated from 1 to 18?

    UC50 and ESA50 have their questions numbered in different ways so they are not identic

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    You said you didn't know if it was paper based, which is why I explained what that was. You didn't mention you had an assessment so how was I supposed to know that.

    1 to 9 and both front and back of each page has been used. When I said identical, I meant the questions are the same. There's 24 pages in each form.

    The pages not being numbered maybe something as simple as the printer not printing them fully, which can happen. As I advised, you can make a right of access request but other than that I have no other advice to give.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,330 Championing

    I had a health assessment and I have received a medical report about it in a UC85 form.

    Hi Peter, something obviously isn't right here. Have a look online at UC85 v UC85a v UC85A to see if that helps. The assessment report isn't a 'medical' report rather a health assessment report because those people are not doctors.

  • Peter1
    Peter1 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Listener

    What difference between between UC50 and UC50a

    I do not find also a copy of a UC50s

  • Peter1
    Peter1 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Listener

    I made a mistake my last post refers to UC85a and not to UC50a

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    UC85a is when you have a paper based assessment. UC85 is when you actually have an assessment. There are no samples of either online.

  • Peter1
    Peter1 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Listener

    In the Internet there is a document that we can download which is

    “Work Capability Assessment (WCA) handbook”

    In the website


    It is 195 pages long and UC85 is in Appendix 2 and UC85a is in Appendix 4

    We see that these two documents are in a Pdf format but when I click on them they do not open.

    However, there should be a mean to open them, otherwise; what would be the point they are here.